Carnival Lights

We took the boys camping a couple of weeks ago and they were having a carnival, so of course we had to go. The bigs had a blast, and the littles too. We rode rides, at carnival food and petted the animals. A fun friday night for sure. They were tall enough to ride the […]
Annual Bay Weekend Fun

Every year my parents rent the same bay house and each year I fall more and more in love with this place. We try talking my parents into buying a house down here and we even found the cutest one for sale. Wish us luck, finger and toes crossed. The babies’ first trip and they […]
1st Camping trip with the littles

We took our first camping trip with the babies to our favorite spot at the beach. We had to pack practically the whole house for the babies, but it was so worth it. We had a great time and the babies did amazingly well. The big boys? Well, that might be another story, that may or may […]
Maternity Pictures

I put off getting pictures taken long enough, I am officially 32 weeks along in these pictures and wow is time flying. I wanted to take some special family maternity pictures and I think they turned out so great. I will cherish these for a lifetime. Sorry for the major photobomb, but I love them […]
Gator Park Camping

We took the family camping at “Gator Park” last weekend. Did I mention how much we are loving our camper? So much, so very much. In fact, we won’t be able to take it out again until the end of October and I am already having withdrawals. Poor me! Gator park is huge, with tons […]
Chalkboard Signs

I’ve been so lazy about blogging this summer, there is just too much fun things to do. Like why not make some cute chalkboard signs to hang in the kitchen. I found this idea on pinterest and couldn’t get it out of my head. So I headed for the dollar for cheap platters and signs […]
Welcome Baby Claire

So happy to share that my newest niece baby Claire came into this world on July 2nd. She is a perfect little amount of sweet, cuteness and perfection. not that I am biased or anything Her proud big sister Samantha- the first time holding her, just look at that smile. The boys enjoy patting her […]
I left my heart and mind down at the bay

No recipe this week, I left my heart and mind down at the bay. You heard right last weekend was our annual bay weekend. I literally look forward to it all year long. My parents have rented the same bay house for 5 summers, starting when the boys were just 6 months old. The kids […]
Homemade Sidewalk Chalk Paint

Fun, easy activities to keep the boys entertained are something I am always looking for, so, when Mindee started this Pinterest Party I just knew it was my chance to search in my Fun ideas for the Kids pinterest board, and I pulled out this gem. I am joining Mindee from Our Front Door and she […]
Easter Fun and the Circus

The boys had a Easter party at school (or actually at another student’s house) They all got to run and play first. Little B’s backyard is the perfect place for a Easter party with lots of kids. Then they hunted the Easter eggs. The teachers are so smart to have the parents send each child […]