Easter fun

Easter came and went with tons of Easter egg hunting and family time. The boys really got into the hunting this year and couldn’t wait to get going. Hunting at Granny’s and they are off! Little H found the golden egg with 1 dollar in it, but Sam wanted to hold it. We also dyed Easter eggs […]
Easter Week

What a fun and busy Easter week we’ve had. Starting off with our playgroup Easter party. Yes that’s all 4 sets of twins and one singleton. All lined up, its a miracle. And the bounce house is a must. Later that day with our large number of fresh eggs, we had to dye some. The […]
Happy Easter

Hope you have a lovely Easter! Enjoy your family, easter candy, food, and egg hunts! You know we will!
Easter Early

DT’s side of the family had their Easter celebration a week early this year but that was just fine with us. We had so much fun and the boys had a blast with their Aunts, Uncles and cousins. The Easter Bunny even showed up early (wonder how he knew?) Daddy was little W egg helper/finder/eater […]