Camo Cast

Gage man had his first broken bone, falling off the monkey bars while on a camping trip, of all things. Honestly, we didn’t think it was broken, maybe sprained, just because he only was fussing about it for a little while and then was ready to play again. But he wasn’t using his arm, so […]
Rabbit Feet Key chains (How to by Wyatt)

Wyatt and Hayden both raised and showed meat rabbits (Californians) for the 4h program this year, and we had seven rabbits and we processed them as a family; saved the meat, rabbit feet and pelts (Hayden wants to make something out of the fur). Wyatt really wanted to make Lucky Rabbit feet key chains. So […]
C and G 5th Birthday

G and C turned 5 and we celebrated with a museum Beach themed party. Oh gosh how I miss blogging about silly daily things and recipes too. Anyone miss me?? 🙂 Anywho, back to birthday party, we also opened oysters with colored pearls inside, toured the musuem and played with friends, not to mention yummy […]
Dear G and C

I came across this post of you after you turned 2 and I wrote sweet little letters about your selves that I thought I would never forget, and alas I had forgotten. So I vowed to myself to post more for you, and me. I never want to forget, even the small things. As you […]
C and G are 4

Hello blog, it’s been so long since I’ve posted I almost forgot how to log in. But I am happy to report out family is doing great and my littles just celebrated their 4th birthday. I’ll repeat 4th birthday, oh my…. We had their party at a local jumpy house place. Theme of Batman for […]
Boys of Summer 2015

Exactly 2 years ago I took pictures of my boys in our backyard. It was hot and sticky and the boys squinted and I recruited my mom to help. But I took one of my favorite all time photos of my boys that day. Awe, they all look so very wittle. Well 2 years have […]
Rainy Day Fun

It’s been a rainy season so far, between that and the cold we’ve been cooped up in the house for way too long. It was raining yet again and ALOT so I decided to let the boys play outside, yes in the rain, yes it was about 65 degrees and yes in their undies. H […]
Bathtime Fun

I snuck in and took some pictures of all the boys taking a bath the other night. I was trying to not been seen, so I could catch them just interacting and playing like they usually do. But they spotted me, they are so sweet in the bath all together. G loves playing with the […]
Day in the life 2

This may become a series as it seems my boys are always getting into something and I am always grabbing the camera to watch it unfold. Just a normal day in the life of 5 boys. Yep, I included DT in the count.
Back to School Photos- 1st Grade

My big boys are starting school next Monday 1st grade, and I took these fun, super cute photos of them and a school bus. I love these photos so much and though H may not have been so eager as the photo below shows, he turned out some really great photos and this mama couldn’t […]