Menu Plan Monday

DT and I had a last minute road trip to New Orleans, I forget how much I love that city!! We went on a Ghost and Vampire tour, and it was so much fun, learned lots of history about the city and some spooky facts too, DT even got some pictures of a face and […]
Dear G and C

I came across this post of you after you turned 2 and I wrote sweet little letters about your selves that I thought I would never forget, and alas I had forgotten. So I vowed to myself to post more for you, and me. I never want to forget, even the small things. As you […]
Jamberry Nail Wraps Giveaway- closed

Winner announced, congrats to Dahlia Salazar. What is Jamberry? They are a high quality, vinyl, heat and pressure sealed nail wraps. They last for weeks, at a fraction of the cost of a salon visit! No harsh chemicals, chipped polish, or damage to your natural nail and there are over 350 adorable style options! One […]
Baby T Boutique Giveaway Winner

Baby T baby shoes winner is: Jessica w “lately, I am a sucker for those really cute leather mocs that all the star’s babies are wearing!” Congrats Jessica, be on the lookout for an email from me. Hope you and your baby enjoy the shoes.
Baby T Baby Shoes Giveaway-closed

Winner chosen. Congrats Jessica! How cute are these handmade soft bottom baby shoes. My friend Shawn the creator of these shoes started making them when she wasn’t pleased with the types of baby shoes on the market, so she started making her own and other people took notice and wanted some too. Be sure to […]
Welcome Leader News Readers

Welcome Leader News readers, I am so happy you have stopped by. For those of you just reading my blog my local newspaper did a article about our family, so be sure to stop by and read it and get the low down on all things twins. Let me show you around my blog a […]
Goodbye 2012, Welcome 2013

2012 was an amazing year filled with both great highs and great lows. In January we suffered a miscarriage our second one and we didn’t know if we could pull ourselves up from it. It was a very hard time. But that loss was the inspiration to me to help me start a healthy lifestyle […]
The big 30!

Today is my 30th birthday! DT is taking me out to eat at a nice restaurant and I am getting a white tattoo! My thinking is, if I tell everyone I won’t chicken out. If anyone recalls, on my last birthday I did a 30 things before 30 list of which I’ve failed miserably at some and […]
A Big Thank You and Giveaway- closed

Winner Selected. Yesterday was exactly 1 month since the release of my e-cookbook E-licious. What a ride it has been! I want to personally thank all of you for being so very supportive of me through this process, whether it be actually purchasing my book, reading along, hosting a giveaway, sharing on facebook, email, or twitter. […]
Welcome Leader News Readers

Welcome Leader News readers, I am so happy you have stopped by. Let me show you around a bit. If you’d like some recipe ideas, everything from breakfast, to dinner, to holiday treats. Be sure to look at The Kitchen. Just click on the image link and you will see the recipe post and all have printable […]