C and G 5 months

My little sweet peas are 5 months now. They can seriously stop growing now, in another 5 months they very well may be WALKING!! AND that thought scares me just a little bit. Ok, A LOT! If they just weren’t so dang squishy and cute I don’t know what I would do. I could kiss […]
Homemade Yogurt

One of my babies favorite food is yogurt, they just love it. And it is so good for them Well since I was making their food and Super Baby Food by Ruth Yaron had directions for making yogurt I decided to give it a try. My first batch I used the sink incubating method and […]
Homemade Baby Teething Sticks

I was so excited to try this Zucchini Bread recipe to make for the boys. Well things didn’t turn out as I expected. I will go through the process and let you know what I think my mistakes were. This recipe came from Wholesome Baby Food blog INGREDIENTS My changes in pink 3 eggs or […]