Organic Food, Baby and Household Coupons

Every since my babies were born I have been using more and more organic, and green household products and foods. But we all know how expensive organic and green products can be.  Here are some of my tips when buying.  Try to use the store’s Catalina deals.  For instance Wags runs deals on Seventh Generation […]

Thankful Thursday


I have so much to be thankful for this week, but for some reason I am feeling stumped. I really need to focus!  Ugh why do I feel guilty that I can’t think of anything……. My mind is blank as to what happened this week! Oh yea! DUH! We visited the Triplets– they are so […]

Triplets + Twins = Quintuplets!


How crazy, exciting, hair pulling busy would it be to have Quintuplets, five, that’s 5 babies!!!! Well I have a small view of what life would be like.  A friend of mine with 1 yr old Triplets, 2 boys (Big H, Big E) and a girl (Little A) were down visiting her parents, and my […]

Homemade Yogurt


One of my babies favorite food is yogurt, they just love it.  And it is so good for them  Well since I was making their food and Super Baby Food by Ruth Yaron had directions for making yogurt I decided to give it a try. My first batch I used the sink incubating method and […]

Biker Babes


The idea of riding a Motorcycle is not a fun one for me, but luckily (can you sense the sarcasm) I married a motorcycle enthusiast. When we first started dating DT had a Crotch Rocket similar to this aptly named because you crouch low down and its fast like a rocket.  I rode once and […]

Sleepy Angels


5minutes for mom is having this fabulous contest and it just so happens that I took the cutest picture of Little H the other day. I was rocking little W to sleep and I couldn’t figure out why little H was being so quiet.  I went into the bedroom and saw this. He was dead […]

laughs and giggles

Little H & Little W are such happy babies and I have the perfect video to share of them having a tickling fest with DT.  It’s so cute, I love their laughs and giggles, Little H is up first then Little W, also there is a brief shot of Ms. Cricket.  Enjoy!  SP [youtube=]

10 Months old Today!

1 week

It just can’t be possible my babies are 10 months old today, and I can hardly believe it.  Time just goes by so fast and they change so quickly.  Join me as I reflect back! 1 month- so tiny and precious they loved to be held and tightly swaddled 2 months- moving around alot more […]

Hats, phones, cameras


What is it about babies? Hats, phones, cameras, shoes, cords, any small pieces of stuff on the floor, mommies coffee cup, either straight into their mouths. Its a constant battle keeping things away from them, and my house is supposedly baby proof, but yet they always can find something they shouldn’t have.  Here are some […]

Silly boys!


I realized I have not posted about the boys lately! How could I possibly forget?  Hmm, hurricane Ike?????????? Anyway, My parents gave DT  a Flip video camera for his birthday and it’s so cool.  We really love it.  It’s perfect for us. Little H is starting to get a top front tooth, poor baby he […]

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