Menu Plan Monday

Summer vacays are in full swing, another super fun weekend with the family camping at Jellystone Park, it was so much fun. Lots of activities for the kids and not much down time for us old folks, but hey it was worth it. Up this coming weekend a water park camping trip, ole DT just […]
Guest Post: The 5 Love Languages

I’d like to welcome Cassie from True Agape. She is guest posting today about the 5 love languages. I love these wonderful ideas, I think we all can use these great tools as a reminder that we do need to show and share our love and make the effort to do so more often. I […]
For your entertainment!

While my computer is down and this old laptop can’t do much, I thought I would highlight some great blogs this week for your enjoyment. If you haven’t been to these blogs before, you will thank me. They are great! Amy @ Finer Things in Life posted this Pineapple Zucchini Sheet Cake. I can’t wait to […]
Easter Foodies

With Easter right around the corner I thought I would share some fun treats and eats from around the bloggy world. Natural dyed Easter Eggs from Olga’s Home and Garden blog. Aren’t these gorgeous! Chocolate Cabbage Cake, from Purple Chocolate Home. How cool is this cake, yes that’s a real cake, I am still in […]
Around the bloggy world

Last week I shared some of my favorite posts from other bloggers and it was such a hit, I think I will do this several times a month. Learning to host with a cheerful heart, I so need this as I am in the midst of planning the boys birthday party, I tend to stress […]