I took 9 month photos of the babies today, outside, a gorgeous weather day in their little pearl snap tractor onesies. The babies have changed so much in the 1 month since my last post. They are everywhere, climbing up to stand on everything, and crawling so fast. I have to constantly run and shut doors, because if a baby sees the bathroom door open, he is immediately on his way to it, and to his favorite, the trash can, all kinds of goodies in there, ugh….
They are eating 3 real food meals a day, nursing 4-5 times a day and getting 1-2 bottles a day too, my supply is slowly dwindling down and I am ok with that, I think. Today I took some breastfeeding photos with them and I love them so much, such a special memory I will always cherish.
They had their first ear infections and also bronchitis this month and first round of antibiotics. In fact, mom, and big brothers all had it too, not fun. DT was lucky to not have gotten it.
My G man has 4 teeth now, his bottom middle and top front teeth. He was a champ when they were coming in and wasn’t fussy but maybe one night. He is so close to standing on his own not holding anything. He can walk behind the walker, and he is very cautious when sitting down and trying not to bump into things. Though he did bump his lip and had his first bloody lip. He loves to smile (though not in pictures) and babble and blow bubbles. He’s an independent little guy and prefers to be moving and not so much of a cuddle bug. DT swears he said da-da and looked straight at him and I swear he said ma-ma when I went to pick him up from the crib yesterday. Could have been a coincidence, but I’m still thinking he said ma-ma first.
Oh C-man jenkins, his silly nickname the bigs gave him. He’s a little comedian already, loves to laugh and giggle and loves playing peek a boo. He also has learned to clap. He is still a Mommy’s boy and loves to be in my arms, though he does love to explore too, and is all over the house. As of last month G was the only one pulling up, but C couldn’t be outdone, he skipped the knees step and went straight to his feet, he pulls up on everything, and has had his share of bumps, and even a bloody lip too. He gets stuck under our kitchen chairs, and squeals and cries so pitifully. He does this at least 2 times a day so I’ve began calling it the baby jail, because he can’t get out and Mommy has to rescue him. C is still completely toothless, though his eye teeth on top look close to coming in. I just doubt he would get those first, and if he does I’ve already joked about calling him my vampire baby.
These two sure keep me on my toes, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Happy 9 months boys!

They are SO adorable…and I especially love their cubby legs and bald heads…what a great combo. 🙂
Oh my goodness! They are the cutest little things ever! Adorableness!
Oh.My.Gosh. those are adorable!!