Back to School Mini Photo Sessions

I took back to school photos of these boys today. They will be in kindergarten, try as I may to stop them, they keep growing. This back to school idea has been floating around in my head for awhile now and had to jump into action quick because school is starting soon. Where did this […]
Boys of Summer

As I set out to fulfill a new passion of mine, photography, well, I’ve had a passion for photography for quite awhile now, but I’ve decided to try my hand at taking pictures of and for other people and maybe make a little money even. Yes, I’ve decided to start doing photography for hire. As I was posting and […]
Advocare Cleanse and Spark Winner

Advocare Cleanse and Spark Winner is: Shawn Mason, “I have never done a cleanse and would love to try it!” Congrats Shawn, be on the lookout for an email from me. Hope you enjoy the cleanse and keep us updated with your results.
Annual Bay Weekend Fun

Every year my parents rent the same bay house and each year I fall more and more in love with this place. We try talking my parents into buying a house down here and we even found the cutest one for sale. Wish us luck, finger and toes crossed. The babies’ first trip and they […]
Advocare Cleanse and Spark Giveaway! Winner Chosen

GIVEAWAY CLOSED WINNER CHOSEN, congrats Shawn Mason! I haven’t done a giveaway in ages and decided to start back with one of my very favorite products, ever, the advocare cleanse. I can’t wait to do the cleanse again, it’s killing me in fact, but I have to wait until I am finished breastfeeding the littles. But, […]
Menu Plan Monday

We are taking our annual family bay trip this weekend. So that means lots of really yummy food and drinks!! DT and I are bringing our camper since we have out grown the small bay house my parents rent. This year we will have 3 new babies at the bay. My niece (who just turned […]
1st Camping trip with the littles

We took our first camping trip with the babies to our favorite spot at the beach. We had to pack practically the whole house for the babies, but it was so worth it. We had a great time and the babies did amazingly well. The big boys? Well, that might be another story, that may or may […]
Welcome Leader News Readers

Welcome Leader News readers, I am so happy you have stopped by. For those of you just reading my blog my local newspaper did a article about our family, so be sure to stop by and read it and get the low down on all things twins. Let me show you around my blog a […]
C and G 2 months

The littles are 2 months old, as of yesterday, and I almost forgot, eek! 2 months already, ugh. This is going way too fast. So far, at 2 months, the babies have already gone camping, to the beach, to the museum, Lalo’s house, Grannie’s house, 2 birthday parties, swimming in our pop up pool, walking in […]
Menu Plan Monday

Feeling good my friends, this is my first menu plan Monday since March, it feels great to be planning again. Makes life run a little smoother and dinner less hectic. What are some of your favorite time saving tips? This week we have planned: Breakfasts: Cereal with fresh fruit Bird’s Nest with fresh […]