Stitch Fix unboxing 2

Stitch fix #2 came in the mail today, I might have squealed a little when I saw the fed-ex guy. I didn’t expect it until tomorrow so this was a nice monday surprise. If your new to Stitch fix here is a quick recap. Stitch fix does the shopping for you. You create a profile of your […]
The Amazing Maisie is at it again.

Miss Maisie went broody 3 times last year, but I never let her raise a single chick. I would normally stick some eggs under her and let her do her thing, but since I was “incubating” babies, I decided it was best not to have more little things to take care of. So she had a little […]
Bluebonnets and 10 months

The bluebonnets are blooming and gorgeous this year. A very sweet couple who take their time and effort to grow and groom these beauties have allowed me to use their bluebonnets to take photos. And it just so happens the babies are 10 months old! I know, I know in 2 short months I will have […]
Stitch Fix unboxing

I don’t know when I was so excited to get a package. I was literally giddy over it. Looking out the window every few minutes waiting for it to come. What was I so anxious about, you may ask? Have you heard of stitch fix? It is the best thing. Stitch fix does the shopping […]
C & G 9 months

I took 9 month photos of the babies today, outside, a gorgeous weather day in their little pearl snap tractor onesies. The babies have changed so much in the 1 month since my last post. They are everywhere, climbing up to stand on everything, and crawling so fast. I have to constantly run and shut […]
C and G 8 months

I am a little late getting their 8 months post up, so they turned 8 months old on the 14th and today is the 22nd, ahem. I’ve been busy? Out of town? Forgot? Lots of excuses, but I did take these photos 1 day after they turned 8 months, so they are accurate, I just haven’t […]
C and G 7 months

The littles are 7 months old today and are enjoying their first Christmas Season. They love the lights and all the new “toys” to play with, and let’s not forget, Mommy is loving their first Christmas too, and what’s that without some cute babies with santa hats, nakie tooshies, and Christmas trees? G at 7 months […]
Christmas Mini Photo Session

I love taking photos! Sometimes it’s nice stating the obvious. A-hem I did mini sessions for my photography business, hobby, job? Not sure which category it falls into. But I did Christmas Mini’s, and had to “practice” on my sweet darling, perfect picture taking boys. And by practice, I mean use every bit of patience […]
6 years of motherhood

Taking a little walk down memory lane as the Bigs turn 6 this Saturday. My throat tightened a bit as I typed that, really 6!! What a crazy adventure it has been, and I wouldn’t change a single thing. Even the tantrums, broken leg, messes, because what brings it all that together is all the fun, […]
C and G 6 months

So the babies are 6 months old now, and as I say and will always say, it’s going too fast. Each day they are doing something new, whether it be sitting on their own a little longer, or eating a new food, or making a new noise. They still nurse 5-6 times a day and […]