Monthly Box Subscriptions

I’ve gone a bit nuts with the box subscriptions and have tried so many of them that I’d love to share what I think of each one. Subscription boxes: are either a one time or monthly/quarterly box that comes in the mail. I mean who doesn’t love to get a surprise box each month. These […]
Jamberry Nail Wraps Giveaway- closed

Winner announced, congrats to Dahlia Salazar. What is Jamberry? They are a high quality, vinyl, heat and pressure sealed nail wraps. They last for weeks, at a fraction of the cost of a salon visit! No harsh chemicals, chipped polish, or damage to your natural nail and there are over 350 adorable style options! One […]
My Photography Website

So happy to have this bad boy girl ready. My photography website. Come take a look around. My photography has had a wonderful response and I couldn’t feel more grateful for that, and for all the wonderful families that choose me to take photos of them. Each one holds a very special place in my […]
10 day cleanse menu plan

I started the cleanse today, eek first time in almost 2 years, wow! I am super excited to do the cleanse and get back on track with my eating and hopefully weight loss. This go round I tried the peaches and cream fiber drink and I am happy to say it tastes much better than […]
Chicken Pot Pie Casserole

I was lucky to receive 1 meal a week (for 7 weeks) from my lovely sorority sisters after the babies were born. And my sister Monika brought this lovely casserole over for dinner one night. We devoured it. I quickly asked for the recipe as DT and the bigs loved it. It was so good […]
G and C Cake Smash Photo Session

It has been an eventful 1st birthday for G and C. It started with the babies having colds, runny noses and red eyes and major case of the fussies. Not the birthday I had planned which included a cake smash photo session that was delayed. This morning they were feeling a little better or so […]
Stitch Fix unboxing #3

My 3rd Stitch fix came in the mail yesterday, I swear this doesn’t get old, I love love love getting my packages. This time I specifically asked for dresses as I am going to 2 weddings later this month and would like a couple of options each. My stylist did not disappoint, she sent 5 […]
Playing in the backyard

The nice weather and longer days make it nice for us to enjoy some playtime after dinner in the evenings. The babies love going outside to explore and play. The worn out old cozy coupe was the item of choice last night. Which also brings to mind an old picture of the bigs playing in the […]
Mommy and Me Photo Sessions

I am doing a mini session that is very near and dear to my heart and just for Mom’s. A fun, relaxed and gorgeous photo session with your very own children. So I want to encourage all the moms out there to come to us get some sweet photographs with your child. Do it for […]
G and C 11 months update

A little past due on our 11 month update, but here I am, and I am doing it today. I think part of me doesn’t want to acknowledge that the babies are 11 months old, so if I skip the update it isn’t true, right? Moving along…. It astonishes me to this day just how much 2 […]