Christmas Picture Outakes

I love decorating and taking pictures during the Christmas season. What I love even more is that the boys are so into it this year, loving every little detail. Helping and getting really excited about it all. So, being in the Christmas spirit, I decided to go ahead and take the boys’ Christmas card photos. […]
Newlyweds: Recipe Linky

Welcome to Newlyweds Recipe Linky. We had the most popular Recipe Linky last week, thank you all for joining in and viewing the recipes. You guys are the best. I will comment, Pin, tweet, and facebook as many as I can. I’d love it if you all do the same for each other too! Please […]
Candy Bacon

What’s the saying bacon makes everything better? Well, brown sugar on bacon makes bacon even better. Wow, this recipe was so incredibly good and simple. The men in my life are somewhat bacon connoisseurs, I love bacon, too, but it doesn’t love my thighs so much, so I try to stay away from it on […]
Menu Plan Monday

*Don’t forget to enter in my Thank You giveaway to win a Misto, silpat and electric wine bottle opener.* I am now offering a menu planning service. Basically, I will be creating a weekly menu plan and grocery list to fit your families’ specific needs. Please contact me if you think you might be interested […]
A Big Thank You and Giveaway- closed

Winner Selected. Yesterday was exactly 1 month since the release of my e-cookbook E-licious. What a ride it has been! I want to personally thank all of you for being so very supportive of me through this process, whether it be actually purchasing my book, reading along, hosting a giveaway, sharing on facebook, email, or twitter. […]
Hand prints = Mothering fail

There are moments during motherhood where you feel you are striving, really providing, and teaching your children well. Like, when they use manners and share their toys with others. I smile, yes, I am doing something right. Then there are moments when you feel like you have completely, utterly failed. Today I am writing about […]
Newlyweds: Recipe Linky

Welcome to Newlyweds Recipe Linky. Thank you all for joining and reading, did you find anything you’d like to try? Each week I will post the most popular recipes from the previous week. I will comment, Pin, tweet, and facebook as many as I can. I’d love it if you all do the same for […]
Minnie’s Chocolate Pie

Hi all, it’s that time again for the Secret Recipe Club reveal. Basically, SRC is a group of bloggers who get together once a month. We’re all assigned a blog and asked to pick out a recipe from that blog. We make the recipe, tweaking things here and there, as we see fit, then, there’s this […]
Menu Plan Monday

What a great Thanksgiving Holiday we had, I hope all of yours was as lovely as ours. I still feel full! Today only 80% Off E-licious. Use Code CYBER99 at checkout to get the book for $.99 cents only. I am thinking about offering a menu planning service and I already have 2 families signed […]
Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals

There are lots of great black Friday and cyber Monday online deals you don’t want to miss out on. My E-LICIOUS E-cookbook is 80% off sale for only.99 cents using code CYBER99 Today Only Monday. Will you be doing any online shopping this weekend? Check Ebates first as they are offering double cash back on […]