Newlyweds: Recipe Linky

Welcome to Newlyweds Recipe Linky. I hope everyone had a Valentines day full of love and some chocolate! I will comment, Pin , tweet, and facebook as many as I can. I’d love it if you all do the same for each other, too! Last weeks most popular recipes were: Drunken Noodles from the Misadventures […]
Confetti Chicken Pasta

Pin It I think everything I have cooked in the past few weeks has been from Pinterest (if you need an invite send me your email address). It’s a source of everything yummy. This recipe I also found on, you guessed it, Pinterest, from the Bake Cakery. I loved it immediately because it’s one of those […]
Menu Plan Monday

I have begun the Advocare 24 day challenge to jump-start some weight loss and energy boost. I am on day 5 and I am already feeling a difference. The first few days of the program are a cleanse, so I am eating really well, no white breads, rice etc, no sugar (this one is killer […]
Newlyweds : Recipe Linky

Welcome to Newlyweds Recipe Linky. I am getting excited by all the yummy valentines day treats, you all are so creative. I can’t wait to see what you’ve been making. I will comment, Pin (If your not a follower yet please do, big things are happening today), tweet, and facebook as many as I can. […]
Black Magic Cake

Pin It Have a chocolate lover in your family? Need the perfect for any occasion chocolate cake? I’ve got the recipe for you. Black Magic they call it, must be because the chocolate flavor it has, is well, perfect. The coffee in this recipe brings out the chocolate flavor without having a coffee flavor. It’s genius […]
Menu Plan Monday

I am slowing getting back into the groove of things, and eating normally again. Yesterday in fact I did a whole Super bowl themed menu plan, I must say it was a bit fabulous, even if it was just for our family and we didn’t even watch the game. My friend Brandie @ The Country […]
Newlyweds : Recipe Linky

Welcome to Newlyweds Recipe Linky. Thanks for everyone for the love and support over the past week, your kind words and prayers mean so very much to me and my family. On other news, does anyone know why my side bar isn’t showing correctly with my Linky tools? Please share any tips I can’t figure […]
Without the rain there would be no rainbow

It’s been 10 months since my molar pregnancy, my numbers went down as they should, and I was still on monthly blood checks. When December rolled around we knew the doctor was going to tell us we were in the clear. We could start trying for a baby, if we’d like. But, we jumped the […]
Newlyweds: Recipe Linky

Welcome to Newlyweds Recipe Linky. Sorry I’ve been a little missing blogging the past couple of weeks, I promise to explain my absence very soon. To tide you over with some great recipes from other bloggers. Come share what you’ve been making today. I will comment, Pin, tweet, and facebook as many as I can. […]
Newlyweds : Recipe Linky

Welcome to Newlyweds Recipe Linky. Come share what you’ve been making today. I will comment, Pin, tweet, and facebook as many as I can. I’d love it if you all do the same for each other, too! Last weeks most popular recipes were: Crumbs and Chaos Pizza Roll Ups, a fun and simple recipe, I […]