Avocado Egg

Do you ever have a recipe that just takes you back to a certain moment in time? A memory, or feeling? This recipe transports me to our honeymoon, in Mexico. We stayed at this wonderful resort that had fabulous cuisine. Each morning we’d eagerly awake to go eat breakfast, eggs Benedict, waffles, or these creamy […]
Menu Plan Monday

Hope everyone’s Easter was lovely. Ours sure was, and I think we will be eating candy for years. Which isn’t good considering we still have Halloween candy. I had a good day yesterday eating wise, I tried to eat well, and pay attention to every bite I had, I still had cookies, chips, candy and […]
“Healthier” Blueberry Oatmeal Muffins

I have completed my first Crazy Cooking Challenge, hosted by Tina at Mom’s crazy cooking. What is the crazy cooking challenge you ask? Well, it is a large group of bloggers who are given a cooking assignment, this month’s assignment was Blueberry Muffins, then we have to find a recipe from another blogger we’d like to try, bake […]
Ripped in 30 level 1

After completing the 30 day shred and having such excellent results, I didn’t want to quit. So, this week I started the Ripped in 30. Ripped in 30 is 4 levels that you are supposed to do 5-6 days each, but when you the math that does not equal 30 days, so I think she includes […]
Newlyweds: Recipe Linky

Welcome to Newlyweds Recipe Linky. How’s your week going so far, looking for some new kitchen inspiration? I am sure there is something here to inspire you in the kitchen today! I will comment, Pin , tweet, and facebook as many as I can. I’d love it if you all do the same for each […]
Cracked Dyed Hardboiled Eggs

*If you like recipes like these be sure to stop by my new E-cookbook E-licious Easter time, means tons of eggs in our household chicken eggs, Easter eggs, and more eggs. Especially since my chickens are laying so well this spring, in fact I picked no less than 18 eggs today alone. So when I […]
Menu Plan Monday

Busy week ahead and not one to start off sick, but surely I am, sore throat, stuffed nose and achy all over. Not sure if it is allergies or just a spring cold. But I am hoping it passes very quickly. I am suppose to start my Ripped in 30 workout videos today, but I […]
30 day shred week 5 & 6 Results

I skipped last week’s update because of my Father-in-law’s death, but still managed to shred 4 times. Which was not an easy feat. I am glad I stuck with it, because of any time I could have easily quit, this would have been the time. So, week 6 started off much better and I shredded to level […]
Newlyweds: Recipe Linky

Welcome to Newlyweds Recipe Linky. How’s your week going so far, looking for some new kitchen inspiration? I am sure there is something here to inspire you in the kitchen today! I will comment, Pin , tweet, and facebook as many as I can. I’d love it if you all do the same for each […]
German Chocolate Cake

We are a cake eating family, as is evident by my The Kitchen recipe index, where my largest section just happens to be cake. If someone asks what’s your favorite cake recipe, I am hesitant to say. Honestly, I kinda love them all, I don’t know if I could pick just one. How could I live […]