Crazy About Pumpkin… recipes…

I have no new recipe for you guys today. And let’s be honest, if I did it would probably be a pumpkin recipe. And I know so many of you share my passion for all things Pumpkin so I thought I would fuel that flame with you some of my most favorite pumpkin recipes. Sweets […]
Newlyweds: Recipe Linky

Welcome to Newlyweds Recipe Linky. I am sure there will be something to inspire you in the kitchen today! I will comment, Pin , tweet, and facebook as many as I can. I’d love it if you all do the same for each other, too! Last weeks most popular recipes were: Lisa’s Dinnertime Dish, […]
Pumpkin Coconut Shrimp Curry

I have made this recipe from Wishful Chef, about 6 times now. I seriously love the flavor combinations so very much. I could eat it once a week for my whole life, it’s that kind of recipe. Every time I make it the boys say, curry again…. don’t get me wrong, they love it too, […]
Menu Plan Monday

We are going camping again this week. That makes for 3 times in the past 6 weeks, can you tell we love our weekend getaways. So our meals will be super simple and delicious! We are loving our camper so much we want to live in it, Ok , I am only joking but […]
Scentsy Giveaway Winner!

The winner of the Scentsy Giveaway Winner: A plug-in warmer and scent. Kimberly Moehrig “I don’t know if they have come out with my favorite scent in a candle, but I love the smell of hay in the fall. A fall hayride, hay used as decorations in the yard, walking through a hay maze, […]
1st day of Prek- 4

Time is simply flying by and my babies are growing each day. I hate to admit that. But it’s true. I need to put some bricks on their heads, stop growing. Gotta love those country kids! It goes back and forth from truck driver, ricer (rice farmer) and cotton farmer. My little love bugs. They […]
Newlyweds: Recipe Linky

* Be sure to stop by and enter to Win a Scentsy warmer and fall scent* Welcome to Newlyweds Recipe Linky. I am sure there will be something to inspire you in the kitchen today! I will comment, Pin , tweet, and facebook as many as I can. I’d love it if you all do […]
Pumpkin Quesadillas

* Be sure to stop by and enter to Win a Scentsy warmer and fall scent* As I was shopping at our local grocery store yesterday I spotted huge Pumpkins!! Oh the glorious, beautiful pumpkin. Is it that time of year already? How could I let it slip past and not make something pumpkin yet? I […]
Scentsy Giveaway!- closed

Winner Announced! Congrats to Kim, thanks for all you entered. Hot dang, I’ve got a Scentsy giveaway for my favorite people in the world (that’s you guys). Kayla, an independent Scentsy consultant, is making this possible. Yea, Kayla! For real, like for real, I l-o-v-e Scentsy. There is no better smell payoff than candles and you […]
Newlyweds: Recipe Linky

After a impromptu summer hiatus Recipe Linky is back! I hope you stop by to see some yummy recipes. I am sure there will be something to inspire you in the kitchen today! I will comment, Pin , tweet, and facebook as many as I can. I’d love it if you all do the same […]