8 weeks old

I am having so much fun taking pictures of my little guys. It is really sparking my interest in photography. I want to learn technical details and about those special little buttons on my fancy camera, lighting, and more about post editing. Too bad I don’t have more free time. But for now I will just […]
Dark Chocolate Brownies w/ PB Ganache

If you have a major chocolate craving and love dark chocolate. I have the recipe for you. I love chocolate and since I am nursing I have been craving it more than usual. These are so sinfully rich, satisfying, and gooey. Did I mention gooey!! I could look at this picture all day. Just go […]
Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Muffins

It’s no secret that I love pumpkin. So, when I had the babies, my sweet sister-in-law Christie made a batch of these lovelies for me or maybe the whole family, but I hoarded these like no other, and seriously ate them all myself. (insert evil laugh) Of course, I asked for the recipe and craved them […]
Guest Post: The 5 Love Languages

I’d like to welcome Cassie from True Agape. She is guest posting today about the 5 love languages. I love these wonderful ideas, I think we all can use these great tools as a reminder that we do need to show and share our love and make the effort to do so more often. I […]
1 month old

My babies are 1 month old and it has just flown by. I am going to take monthly pictures with these super cute stickers my aunt Sheri gave us. I am already having fun thinking of neat photo sessions. 1 month photos in big brothers’ tonka dump trucks!! At this age they are the perfect posers, […]
Not biased at all

I am not biased at all in saying this, but I just may have the cutest babies ever and I am slightly obsessed with taking pictures of them. So please forgive me for the picture overload and my sarcasm. But seriously doesn’t every mother think their baby is the cutest ever? All clean after a […]
Settling in with the babies

Much to my surprise, life with the newest little twins has been almost easy. Dare I say it? Yes, I have a set of twins and I’ve done this before, but these babies are so very laid back and, even being early, they really just eat, sleep, and poop, with just a little wakeful time in between. […]
The babies are Here!!

Meet Little G and Little C. They were born early last Tuesday morning, May 14th, 2013 just 2 days shy of 37 weeks. Little C was born at 12:45 am weighing 5lbs 2.oz and 18 inches long. Little G was born at 1:37 am weighing 6lbs even and 19 inches long. Proud Daddy holding them […]
36 weeks and Bed rest

Well, I’ve made it this far, the babies can come NOW…… did you hear that little ones? Now is the time. Pregnancy is no joke people. Those who just glide through and love every minute of it, I might just punch in the face. SO, if that was you, keep it to yourself. Ok? Thanks. Grumpy […]
Maternity Pictures

I put off getting pictures taken long enough, I am officially 32 weeks along in these pictures and wow is time flying. I wanted to take some special family maternity pictures and I think they turned out so great. I will cherish these for a lifetime. Sorry for the major photobomb, but I love them […]