Winner chosen. Congrats Jessica!
How cute are these handmade soft bottom baby shoes. My friend Shawn the creator of these shoes started making them when she wasn’t pleased with the types of baby shoes on the market, so she started making her own and other people took notice and wanted some too. Be sure to visit her Etsy shop or her Facebook page for more pictures, designs of the shoes.
My niece who is now 14 months old lives in these shoes they are so great for toddlers learning to walk and super duper cute too!!
Perfect for Fall!! These have an elastic band inside the heel to help them stay on (which they do!). 0-3 months and 3-6 months will have a fabric sole. 6-12 Month and 12-18 Month will have a skid sole to help prevent slipping. 12-18 Month will include padded layer for walkers.
These little guys love their new shoes.
If you don’t want to wait to see if you win, from now until Sept 30th enter code FALL15 to get 15% off any orders through her Etsy site.
The girls styles have these cute flowers.
You better enter to win or little G might cry!
*sorry I had to include this sad lip photo, he started doing this the other day and it’s so cute.
Win: 1 pair of Baby T baby shoes, style and size of your choice.
To enter:
1. Just leave a comment answering this question. What is one of your favorite baby products?
Extra entries
2 .Like Baby T Boutique and Newlyweds blog on facebook, and/or share on your facebook wall about the giveaway.
3. Subscribe to my blog either via RSS Feed or Email.
4. Pin it on pinterest. Be sure to follow me too.
Remember, you have to mention it in the comments of this post for it to “count” toward an extra entry. How else will I know you’ve done it?
Contest runs from blog posting time (i.e.- now!) on September 9th thru midnight Saturday 14, 2013.
Winner will be chosen at random on Sunday, 15th and will be notified by email (so please be sure to leave a valid email address). Winner has 3 days to respond to email after which a new winner will be selected.
Full Disclosure Statement: I did not receive any compensation for this giveaway, I did receive 2 pair of baby T baby shoes but all thoughts and opinions are my own.
for more giveaways be sure to see Money Saving Mom.

My fav baby product is the head-to-toe wash clothes. They help so much with a newborn !! (who’s feet will look WONDERFUL in the shoes you are giving away !!)
Super cute shoes! I love my Bob jogging stroller and Boppy pillow.
I love my Moby wrap. It’s so comfortable.
I love cute little hats for babies!
Shared on facebook
lately, I am a sucker for those really cute leather mocs that all the star’s babies are wearing!
I Like Baby T Boutique and Newlyweds blog on facebook
I am already Subscribed to your blog either via RSS Feed (newsblur)
I Pinned it on pinterest and follow you too.
I absolutely love my Born Free Formula dispenser. so easy to use! Thanks!!
halo sleepsacks!
I liked both facebook pages 🙂
Kenny H.
I am having my first baby any day now so not sure what product will end up being my favorite but I am loving the idea of having the solly wrap to tote my little miss around in