I know I say this every time, but I still can’t believe I am having twin boys again! When will this sink in?
When they are 12?
I had a 29 weeks ultrasound and the babies are doing so very well. Growing like little weeds and moving around like crazy. That is my favorite part of pregnancy, watching, feeling, and seeing the babies move. It’s like a little circus in there, they are constantly moving.
Baby B is measuring at 3 lbs. 1 oz., he is in the breech position and causing mommy some major heartburn. Because of his high head location between my breastbone it was nearly impossible to get a good picture of his face.
Time to flip head down little sweetheart.
Baby A is measuring slightly smaller at 2 lbs. 13 oz., but no cause for worry, he is still doing very well on the growth charts. He is head down and the tech was able to get some amazing pictures of his face in 3D.
Just look at those pouty lips and the details of his face. I love technology!
The day after the ultrasound my family and friends threw me a diaper shower. It was so amazing. Everything was so beautiful and it was so fun spending time with loved ones!!
The theme was baby boy owls.
How cute is this cake? And it was seriously so delicious. I am tempted to call the lady that made it and ask her for her recipe for the cake and icing. So good.
I also had a massive diaper cake. I unwrapped it the other day and it was over 130 diapers. I Will put those to use for sure. My sweet sister in law took the time to make it and roll all those diapers. She’s amazing.
Speaking of Christie, here she is with my little niece Claire. Look how much she has grown.
DT and me!
My sister-in-laws on DT’s side.
Mothers and grandmothers.
And, just for fun, here is a picture of me (wearing the same dress) with my mothers and grandmothers at the older boys shower 5 years ago.
The hostesses. These ladies did an amazing job.
Me with my big boys. Wasn’t this just yesterday?
My friend Jamie and I are due on the same day, both having boys and we live 2 houses down from each other.
And look at all the goodies we got!
Next step is setting up the babies room and gear and hopefully trying to get some rest before the babies come.

So happy for you! Wonder how many days 130 diapers will last, LOL??
I’m deliriously happy for you. Your shower looked like a lot of fun, and you look fabulous. Having had one son myself since I featured your site on my site, I am appreciating your blog posts more and more. Granted, you definitely have far more experience raising boys than I do. I just have one. Congrats!
You Look Great!!
You look wonderful! I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly! 🙂
No way!!!! Congrats!!!!!
You look great!
Just a rough estimate at 8 diapers a day X’s 2 = 8 days.
Thank you so much. How have you been, long time no chat. And congrats on your baby boy. How old is he?
I know, crazy isn’t it. How have you been, it’s been so long, but I loved looking at your blog and how much the girls have grown!
Those 3d ultrasounds are incredible! Congratulations, you are definitely glowing, and I hope everything continues smoothly!
Can’t want to meet your little sweet peas!
Such an adorable cake!! And those ultrasounds, wow! I had no idea they showed so much 🙂