Every year my parents rent the same bay house and each year I fall more and more in love with this place. We try talking my parents into buying a house down here and we even found the cutest one for sale.
Wish us luck, finger and toes crossed.
The babies’ first trip and they were already exhausted. They were so good and slept a lot! In fact they slept 8 hours each night. Talk about a vacation for mommy. Lets hope this trend sticks.
Something is just so peaceful about being down at the water, I totally get the beach bum/Jimmy Buffet lifestyle.
I could do that.
Luckily for me, my family feels the same way!
DT and the boys did lots of fishing.
And W hooked his first big redfish, 23 inches to be exact.
Kiss that bad boy!
We walked the shore line and I found a good amount of driftwood, sea glass, and shells. Pinterest projects here I come.
Big H wore this hat all weekend and it cracked me up.
It was also sweet little Claire’s first trip down to the bay. She loves those beads.
On the way home the babies were crashed out and I couldn’t help but take pictures of those sweet faces.
and G
Another fun year down at the bay. Until next time…. Hopefully it will come much sooner!