I am a wimp……
This post is suppose to be about my babies going to a wonderful new park for the first time and loving every second of it, which they did as the photos will show.
But as I sit here to write, I have a lump the size of Texas in my throat and tears welling up in my eyes.
All I see is 2 toddlers, who are growing up so very fast.
Though I swore this time it wouldn’t happen.
that I could WILL them to stay little forever.
But alas, as luck would have it they turn 2 TOMORROW.
And I have babies no more….
But I do know that though I will miss their sweet chubby baby selves, that so much more fun is too come.
The first I love you’s, potty training, tantrums, first hair cuts to name a few.
*if you want to take a trip down memory lane of H and W’s 2’s see the links above*