I just had to share this great deal I got. Remember Ebates? You know the website that pays you cash to use their discounts and website. The one I have accrued more than $100.00 dollars back from just doing my regular online shopping, nothing extra. Yes that one.
Any-who I was searching for flea medicine for my dogs and cats, the fleas are killer this year, and flea meds are so expensive. So I always shop around to get the best deals.
I happen to receive a flier from Petmedsrx.com for 15% off. So I checked ebates, sure enough they offer 12% cash back!! Awesome! So combined with my 12% cash back I saved over $37 dollars!!!
Gotta love a great deal like that.
If you aren’t familiar with Ebates, here’s a quick run down. Ebates give you cash back on your purchases. So all you do is sign up with Ebates then search for the store of your choice, say for instance; Old Navy, Wal-Mart, Walgreen, etc. You get to select the different discounts and offers and cash back%. Then you click on the link and it directs you to the store you choose, and tracks your purchases then you get your cash back credit to your account in a 2-3 days, it’s that easy!

Ah, I’ve forgotten about ebates! I used to love it (back in the days of online shopping all the time and not being married) and think I should give it another try!
I use Ebates anytime I have to shop online and I’ve probably gotten back maybe $18 so far!! I think I actually heard about their site from YOU when they were having an amazing sale at Old Navy!!
Have you heard about rewardsrunner.com they have some great deals too. They have great paybacks too, Famous Footwear has 26% cash back.