Yes 2 weeks, under my belt, and my belt is looser, Yea.  I lost 1 more pound this week totaling 3 lbs in 2 weeks, Yea!!  Hey I worked hard for that 1 pound, I am proud that it’s gone.  Great thing is I can already tell my body is changing, I feel stronger, tighter, more energy, my clothes slightly looser.

Today is the start of the Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans challenge, it will go on for 7 weeks, and at the end of the challenge the person who lost the most wins a prize.  This challenge we have assigned teams, I am on the Gold team, and I really like this because it really helps having that support system and people going through the same things with you.  To help encourage and motivate one another.  I really need that.  They are still accepting members if anyone is interested.
The Sisterhood - Team GOLD

With all this positive things going on, I will admit that last night I slipped I ate 2 cookies and some chips.  I hate that.  I was being so good but then DT came home and started eating dinner and I was starving.  Ugh.  I could have picked healthier choices but I went straight to the junk foods.  I think I just can’t keep them in the house.  DT hates that but that’s the only way for me, if I see them I just can’t not eat them especially when I am feeling weak.  Then this morning, I had no motivation to workout, my throat has been hurting a bit, and I just wanted to stay in my warm comfy bed.  But I did get up, and I worked out, and it really felt good.  So I am proud that I pushed through my own mental clutter/laziness and shredded.  Tomorrow I will start on level 3 and I am so curious to see whats in store for me.  I am hoping less plank moves, they are killing me.

If your curious in following my journey through the 30 day shred check this out.

So how did you do today?

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14 Responses

  1. woot! for the loss. 🙂 and yeah sometimes its hard but if we can just push through the mental block of working out it can make us feel better!

    i’m doing okay with not drinking coke (although i keep those in stock for the hubs) but tortilla chips are my weakness!!

  2. Yeah! 3 pounds in 2 weeks is nothing to sneeze at. And if it makes you feel any better I ate almost a whole sheath of Thin Mints last night! You can’t deprive yourself…you enjoyed in moderation…me, not so much. Good luck with the Gold team.

  3. Great job on finishing level 2! Let me know how level 3 is…I have a few days left on level 2! Great job on the loss…take it a pound at a time!!!

  4. What they said – 3 pounds in 2 weeks is awesome! That’s the healthy way to lose – slow and steady.

    Don’t beat yourself up for a couple cookies and chips. You can’t cut them out entirely, but keep them to a reasonable level. Plus, you should enjoy them when you do let yourself have them, otherwise it’s a wasted indulgence.

    I don’t let cookies stay in the house anymore (though, now that I think about it, I think I have some Girl Scout cookies in my freezer) – I’ve told my husband that if he wants them, he needs to have them at work. They’re just too much of a temptation for me.

  5. Great job!! Don’t worry about the chips and cookies. Just put it behind you and go on! I’m like you though…I can’t have that stuff in the house or I eat it. I try to buy the 100-calorie type sweets–my fav are the Oreo Snack Cakes. It sure doesn’t compare to a Double Stuf Oreo but I’m sure it is better for me…

  6. Good for you – that’s got to feel great! 🙂 And don’t be too hard on yourself for “slipping up” a bit. Especially with all the hard work you’re doing, you won’t even notice those extra calories!

  7. Great job on the loss and with working out even though you weren’t really feeling it!!

    Good luck this challenge!

    And because you were nice to me on my blog, I won’t trash talk! :o)

  8. Hot diggity dog, three pounds in two weeks! That is awesome. Good job pushing yourself to workout this morning, but take it easy if you do have a cold:)

    Cheating once in a while will not hurt ya. It is if you do it everyday, which is my problem:)

    Good Luck!!

  9. LEVEL THREE? I’ve never heard of anyone who made it past level two! Well done! And on the weight loss. Thanks too for commenting on my blog; you motivated me to exercise today!

  10. First, AWESOME!!!!!! Great job on the loss!! And I did the same thing too, yesterday I was soooo unmotivated and tired, I was up late the night before and the kids woke up super early, but I brought my butt to the gym and ended up having an AWESOME workout. I’m so glad I pushed through it, I am usually always happy afterward when I do. It’s just hard to see that when I’m being lazy. I have to do the same thing, my husband hates that I don’t have any chips or chocolate or ice cream in the house, but I just can’t. Because I It is a mathematical certainty. So I don’t even bring it in. It’s safer for everyone that way. (Husband thanks me later. After the cravings have subsided.) Go Team Gold!!!

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