5 days of the challenge are down! Woo! I had soreness and tiredness but overall it felt pretty good, nothing like my first time with the shred.
Each morning I would wake up early and try to workout before the boys woke up, some days I was successful other days I had two workout partners. I find that if I work out first thing and get it over with for the day I feel much better, more energy and then don’t have to worry with trying to fit it in over the next day.
I decided to workout monday – friday and then give myself a weekend break, so 2, 5 day weeks on each 3 level = 6 weeks. I am stretching it out a bit, but I really want to see the difference and hopefully make this working out thing a habit.
One of the best things that has kept me motivated is the support I am getting from my blogging friends. Helene, Alicia, and Candi, love the updates girls.
Candi had one of the best ideas ever, she said to set up the laptop with the video and then on your TV watch whatever you would like. This makes the time go by so much quicker, thanks for the awesome tip.
I haven’t weighed myself but feel slimmer in my thighs and waist, gotta love that.
So how did you do? Are you shredding? Or what’s your exercise routine?

I love your idea about doing it first thing in the morning. This morning was my first early morning workout. I felt a little guilty since my husband was home and the kids had gotten up, but I stuck with it and got it done. You’re right, getting it out of the way first thing was wonderful. I didn’t get to do it Friday and I felt like a failure. But one of my FB friends said if you mess up, start over the next morning, and that’s what I did.
Thanks for keeping me on track!
I really like the idea about turning on the TV to whatever you want and have the laptop going with the workout. I am going to have to try that out. Today was my first day and I will admit that I wanted to quit after the first circuit. By the 2nd circuit, I wanted to pass out. But…I kept on and am happy I did. I am very sore! and very tired! but I know I will like the results when it happens! I plan to take off on the weekends but since I just got the DVD in the mail Thursday and have been nursing a pulled back, I figured I would wait! i hope to continue with it and start a better routine on Monday!!!
thanks for the inspiration to do this!
I liked the idea of watching a movie too! I mute Jillian’s voice (mostly because all the talking annoys me…lol) and listen to my workout mix on the ipod while I do it. But I may try the movie thing next time.