Day in the life 2

This may become a series as it seems my boys are always getting into something and I am always grabbing the camera to watch it unfold. Just a normal day in the life of 5 boys. Yep, I included DT in the count.
Homemade Italian Bread

Nothing is better then some fresh semi-homemade bread baking in the kitchen. I took the easy route and used my trusty bread maker, and you can certainly make this fully by hand. This bread has the perfect blend of spices and chewy, crusty dough. Great with Italian pasta dishes or soups. I served this with […]
Back to School Photos- 1st Grade

My big boys are starting school next Monday 1st grade, and I took these fun, super cute photos of them and a school bus. I love these photos so much and though H may not have been so eager as the photo below shows, he turned out some really great photos and this mama couldn’t […]
A day in the life

I recently watched a photography class that was all about documentary style photography and day in the life photos that tell a story. I love love love these style of photos and think it’s a neat way to capture your life now, and finding the beauty in the everyday little things of life. Especially […]