6 years of motherhood

Taking a little walk down memory lane as the Bigs turn 6 this Saturday. My throat tightened a bit as I typed that, really 6!! What a crazy adventure it has been, and I wouldn’t change a single thing. Even the tantrums, broken leg, messes, because what brings it all that together is all the fun, […]
C and G 6 months

So the babies are 6 months old now, and as I say and will always say, it’s going too fast. Each day they are doing something new, whether it be sitting on their own a little longer, or eating a new food, or making a new noise. They still nurse 5-6 times a day and […]
Halloween fun

The big boys had a Halloween parade and party at school on Halloween morning, usually the parade is outside but with the big rain storm we had it was moved indoors. H was a Astronaut and W was Frankenstein. They had a good time made a witches brew and ate some snacks and watched halloween […]