Fall and Halloween Mini Sessions

I really love the idea of the quick, mini-session photo shoots. They are so fun to plan and I get a little too excited about them. I decided to do a Fall and Halloween mini-session together, all at once, yep, I might be a little crazy. Trying to get my 4 boys to take photos […]
C and G 4 months

Hi there, I am C and I am 4 months old, I have a bit of a drooling problem. My mommy can’t get enough of me and my sweet little self. That’s my brother G, he’s pretty cool too. We like to play on the floor together, he helps me bat at my toys and […]
Baby T Boutique Giveaway Winner

Baby T baby shoes winner is: Jessica w “lately, I am a sucker for those really cute leather mocs that all the star’s babies are wearing!” Congrats Jessica, be on the lookout for an email from me. Hope you and your baby enjoy the shoes.
Baby T Baby Shoes Giveaway-closed

Winner chosen. Congrats Jessica! How cute are these handmade soft bottom baby shoes. My friend Shawn the creator of these shoes started making them when she wasn’t pleased with the types of baby shoes on the market, so she started making her own and other people took notice and wanted some too. Be sure to […]
First day of Kindergarten

Today the big boys had their first day of Kindergarten and honestly I thought I would be more sad and bittersweet about it. But no I was so ready for them to go to school, this summer has been a very trying one. With the littles being so demanding we had our fair share of […]