C and G 3 months old

My little sweet peas are 3 months old already. They are more and more alert and flirty each day. I live for those coos, smiles and cheese. Their big brothers still love smooching all over the babies numerous times each day and if they are still sleeping in the morning when they wake up, they […]
Back to School Mini Photo Sessions

I took back to school photos of these boys today. They will be in kindergarten, try as I may to stop them, they keep growing. This back to school idea has been floating around in my head for awhile now and had to jump into action quick because school is starting soon. Where did this […]
Boys of Summer

As I set out to fulfill a new passion of mine, photography, well, I’ve had a passion for photography for quite awhile now, but I’ve decided to try my hand at taking pictures of and for other people and maybe make a little money even. Yes, I’ve decided to start doing photography for hire. As I was posting and […]