24 weeks update

Last Friday we had our 24 week ultrasound with Maternal Fetal Medicine. I go to them every 4 weeks for a in-depth ultrasound and then an appointment with my regular OB, usually a week later. They work together to give me and the babies the very best care possible. The babies are growing fantastically, like […]
Menu Plan Monday

I am 24 weeks and these babies are already wearing me out, between all the painting, cleaning, organizing, moving and moving again, you’d think I’d be sleeping like a log at night, nope not the case. Oh well it’s so worth it. I am seeing major progress and its so encouraging. Did I mention we […]
Menu Plan Monday

I am back to menu planning, oh how I have missed my organized household and kitchen. Things have been crazy this pregnancy, between not feeling well and having no energy, we ate out lots, had more frozen pizza than I’d like to admit. But I am so happy to be feeling better and back in […]