My distressed and antiqued coffee and side tables makeover

Looking around my living room and it’s brown, brown, beige and beige. I need some color in my life. How haven’t I noticed this before? My wore out coffee table and side tables, all dinged up, scuffed and brown, the ideas started flowing! I am really loving the distressed, antiqued look. I just knew I […]
Roasted Cheesy Tomatoes

On our 5th wedding anniversary DT and I took a trip to Galveston and we ate at the famous Gaidos restaurant. Gaidos is a “fancy” seafood restaurant right on the beach of Galveston, the food is so delicious and so fresh! I ate the fresh tuna and DT had the fried platter and as a […]
Menu Plan Monday

This past weekend the family and I went on our very first RV camping trip. It was so much fun, a lot of work too, but mostly fun. Needless to say, our meals were the usual hamburgers and hotdogs, so my eating was not the best, but I am ready to jump back to eating well […]
DIY: Simple Southwestern Vase Upcycle

I found this pretty vase at a garage sale a few weeks ago. I wasn’t sure at the time what I had in mind with for it, but I decided to add a little paint and spruce it up a bit. Since the vase/flower pot had such a pretty design and deep grooves, I thought […]
Pumpkin Protein Cookies

While on my Advocare 10 day cleanse, I was having a major craving for something sweet, cookies in particular. As far as the cleanse goes, white flours and sugar are off limits! So, I had to get a little creative. I made these simple drop cookies and even incorporated the chocolate Advocare Meal Replacement shake […]
Weight loss and cleanse results…updated pictures

I am still trucking along with my weight loss journey. I had stalled out a bit this summer and only lost about 1-2 lbs all summer, ugh. I was still eating fairly well (but not the best) and also exercising with various workouts, shredding, yoga and running mostly. I was completely bummed about my no […]
DIY: Antique Mercury Glass

I might be a little obsessed with home decor, crafting, and up-cycling lately. I might also be slightly obsessed with garage sales, thrift store, and antique shopping. The older, more rustic looking, the better. And cheap is even better! I have plenty of boring ole mason jars, plain glass vases, and what nots laying around. I think […]
Flourless Squash Brownies

If you have followed my blog for any length of time, you might know I have a thing for brownies. I have no less than 5 recipes for brownies on my blog. And I am always searching for the next greatest recipe. Lately, eating healthier and wiser has been my choice, since I am trying to tighten […]
Menu Plan Monday

I am finishing up my advocare cleanse this week, and this time around (my 3rd time) doing the cleanse has been by far the easiest. I am down a few pounds, and feeling really great. I love doing the cleanse so much, it’s amazing how well it makes me feel and cuts the junk out […]
Greek Yogurt Cheesecake

I have completed my first Crazy Cooking Challenge, hosted by Tina at Mom’s crazy cooking. What is the crazy cooking challenge, you ask? Well, it is a large group of bloggers who are given a cooking assignment, this month’s assignment was cheesecake, then we have to find a recipe from another blogger we’d like to try, bake […]