First day of cutting rice

It’s that time of year again. I can feel the excitement in the air, it’s the first day of cutting rice. Dad is in the combine and my brother Robert is driving the auger cart. The boys are about to jump out of the window they are so excited to ride. Dad picks up the boys […]
Ice Cream Bread

*If you like recipes like these be sure to stop by my new E-cookbook E-licious . Pin It While I was browsing some new of my facebook friends blogs, I was shocked to see this recipe for Ice Cream BREAD. Yes BREAD. I knew I had to try it and the rocky road in the […]
Menu Plan Monday

I’ve been cooking up a storm lately with recipes for my upcoming e-cookbook, and regular meals as well. I am trying lots of new recipes this week, and one old fave, for a quick snack or breakfast, granola bars. This weekend is DT’s birthday and I am sure I will be making his favorite cake, […]
3 year Blogiversary

So my 3 year blogiversary came and went. How could I forget. Now before I get all mushy, let me explain a bit. This year has been different than my two previous years. Obviously, no year is the same, but hear me out. As I was going through each month and highlighting a few of my favorite […]
Meet the Newlyweds: Where are they now?

I am so excited to kick off this new, well almost new, series with DT and me, The Newlyweds. I will go back to the beginning of the Meet the Newlywed series and re-interview the couples, and see where they are now? Stats: Married 5 years as of May 6, 2006. Original Interview: Feb 12, […]
Rain, Rain, Come Our Way!

It rained here in southeast Texas, first time in forever, or, as I heard on the news, Texas is in the worst recorded drought ever! Ever folks, and it rained a lot, for a good hour. Needless to say we are a bit thrilled. Rain now is almost as fun as snow in Texas and […]
Breakfast Pizza

I ran across this unique pizza recipe on Pinterest and knew I had to try it. I am in constant search for new and unique ways to eat eggs, and this has everything my family loves, so it was a must try, in my book. The boys loved helping me make the pizza, and loved […]
Menu Plan Monday

I’ve gotten a great response on the Meet the Newlyweds: Where are they now series. I am kicking it off this week with DT and I, the very first interviewed couple. Now I just have to think of some clever questions to ask myself. 🙂 This week I am trying a few of my Pinned […]
Meet the Newlyweds : Where are they Now?

It’s been a long time. Well, almost a year since I interviewed my last Meet the Newlywed couple (63 couples in all) and, from when I started, over 2 years have passed. Lots can happen in 2 years. I thought it would be fun to re-visit the couples and ask them a new set of questions. See […]
Tres Leches Cake

I made this cake for my mom’s birthday. She loves Tres Leches (three milks) Cake. Loves it! So I was happy to oblige. This cake is heaven and hell all in one. First off, it requires a massive amount of dishes and not 1 or 2 but 3 different uses of the stand mixer. Three different cleans […]