Just call me a hole digger, burying person

I feel as though death has taken up permanent residence in our home…. In the past 6 months I’ve had more deaths than in the past 6 years; 2 grandparents, 1 pregnancy, 1 dog, 1 kitten, several chickens, tons of chicks and lots of fish. Just this week 3 deaths (1 chicken, 1 kitten, 1 […]
Baking Up a Cure!

Want some of these? Andes Mint Cookies or Sweet Strawberry Bread W/ a Jar of Vermont Honey. Or Ice Cream Sugar Cookies Is your mouth watering yet? These are just a few examples of the virtual bake sale going on at Baking Up a CURE. Simply comment on the baked goods with your name, email […]
Pasta Carbonara with Corn and Chilies

Carbonara is something I’ve been wanting to try for some time now, but never had the chance, till last week. I ran across this Rachael Ray creation and couldn’t resist the beautiful picture in the magazine. Her recipe calls for some ingredients that are hard to get in my grocery store, so I changed some of them to […]
Menu Plan Monday

I’m back, and my computer is back up and running. And they were able to recover my data, which apparently I had lots of (photos). So I have successfully backed everything up and hopefully this will never happen again, lesson learned. Word to the wise, go back up your computer now!! Last week we enjoyed: […]
For your entertainment!

While my computer is down and this old laptop can’t do much, I thought I would highlight some great blogs this week for your enjoyment. If you haven’t been to these blogs before, you will thank me. They are great! Amy @ Finer Things in Life posted this Pineapple Zucchini Sheet Cake. I can’t wait to […]
Right Hand

My right hand (Computer) went crashing down early this morning. That very hand holds so many valuable memories, photos, recipes, addresses, orders, contacts. Yikes, I hope I don’t lose it all. I am quickly typing this on my 10 year old temperamental laptop. Please forgive me if I am not around much for the next few days […]
Tell Your Time

Don’t know where your time goes?? Never enough? Well good for you us. Because Tell Your Time, a really great Ebook, is now only $2 as opposed to original price of $12. Amy is getting ready to relaunch a new and improved Tell Your Time, and until it launches on August 1, the current e-book […]
Paci Fairy

Paci’s, Pacifiers, Binkies, cha-cha’s, all the names for the boys Paci’s over the years. I have a love/hate relationship with them. Love that they comfort them and they slept so well with their paci’s, hated the fact that they needed them and they are 3 1/2 years old!!! The boys, on the other hand, purely […]
Homemade Dishwasher Soap

I found this super simple dishwasher soap recipe when I was blog browsing a week ago. I knew I wanted to try it immediately. What can I say, I am a sucker for homemade, and I love this homemade Laundry detergent, so I thought I would love this, too. Plus, I had most of the ingredients […]
Menu Plan Monday

It’s been a few weeks since I posted my Menu plan, and a nice little break for me. But it’s mostly because I’ve we’ve all been sick. Fighting the never ending summer cold, but finally last friday enough was enough and I went to the doctor and got some meds and I am feeling much […]