4th of July Food Ideas
With the 4th just around the corner, and all these amazing recipes posted from so many great bloggers, I decided to share a few of my favorites. What will you be serving for the 4th? Firecracker Float from Mrs Happy Homemaker Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup S’mores!, from Simple Girl Watermelon, Feta, Red Onion, and Olive […]
Fresh Tomato and Basil Sauce

One major perk of blogging, and blogging recipes more specifically, is that just about everyone is willing to share excellent recipes with me. I will just be casually visiting and since everyone who reads my blog knows how much I love to cook, they will share, it’s awesome. Specifically, Cheri, our Museum director and I […]
30 things before 30

Last week I turned 29, and this morning I stumbled across Joy the Bakers, 30 before 30 list, thought it was a genius idea, so I’ve created my own 30 before 30. I have a whole year to complete my list, although some of the items seem a little daunting, but I will *fingers crossed* […]
Continued from Post Molar Pregnancy

Continued from Post Molar Pregnancy ..I struggle as I try to figure out the lesson behind this all. What am I supposed to learn from this? Why did God test me like this? During Pop-po’s funeral services, I was utterly astounded by the love and support from so many that loved my dear Pop-po and us. […]
Annual Bay weekend

Last weekend was our annual Bay weekend trip. Oh, can I tell you how good it felt to get away. A weekend full of family, eating tons, good drinks and relaxing. I could seriously get used to that. I didn’t take as many pictures as I usually do. We were so busy having fun and relaxing. Enjoying […]
Stuffed Bell Peppers

Stuffed Peppers from the garden, what a treat. Bell peppers are one of my favorite things to grow each year. As we live in the Texas heat, peppers always do really well for us. In fact, last year our pepper plants lasted from May all the way through November. Good thing we love them. There […]
Menu Plan Monday

Woo, what a wonderful, relaxing fun family vacation. Lots of fun in the sun, good eats and family. Now it’s back to reality and I am hitting the diet and exercise hard, way to many sweets, beers and all around good food this weekend. As it should be of course. This week is also my […]
Post Molar Pregnancy

It’s been two months since my extraction from the molar pregnancy and the death of my grandfather. Two very fast months. Two months since my life would change forever. I think I might actually be able to write about it now. I am writing for my own healing, some of it is a little raw […]
Menu Plan Monday

This week is a relax week as far as cooking goes, DT is working and me and the boys will be eating easy meals as we prepare for our Annual family vacation this weekend. I am planning on bringing lots of goodies and fun treats to eat. What is your favorite thing to eat on […]
Fried Green Tomatoes

Ever since DT started gardening I’ve slowly been forced encouraged to take an active role in the garden and I’ve wanted to make fried green tomatoes. Of course, one of my all time favorite movies could have slightly influenced me, though year after year we always let the tomatoes ripen and use them in the […]