A Weekend at Home

The Memorial Day holiday has me all confused, so I missed Menu Plan Monday, and my usual recipe on Tuesdays. We spent the weekend at home, oh was it a glorious weekend. Lots of playing outside, enjoying the hot weather, playing with the boys and cooking from the garden. The boys loved playing on the slip […]

DT and Dad went fishing last week and while DT was cleaning the boat the boys were having a blast playing in it. In fact Little H fell down inside and busted his eye, but that didn’t stop him. It wasn’t until he fell in a mud puddle that he started to cry, I mean really. My little […]
Zucchini Brownies II

This is surely turning into one of my favorites ways to make zucchini. My niece, one of the pickiest eaters I’ve ever known, ate about half the pan. Even after we told her they had zucchini in them, she loved them. Truth be known the zucchini melts into these brownies and you can’t taste it […]
Zucchini Brownies I

I made this recipe last May, took pictures, saved them on my computer, and promptly forgot about them. Until I asked on facebook what are some of your favorite ways to cook zucchini and my friend Keri reminded me of this very recipe. A recipe that she shared with me last May that I quickly […]
Menu Plan Monday

Our garden is overflowing with wonderful veggies, so as always I am making some new and old favorite recipes. I am going to be really busy in the kitchen this week. I prefer to eat my veggies fresh, but if I must, I do resort to freezing; tomatoes and shredded zucchini are two that freeze […]
Gator Park

As I like to call it, or Brazos Bend State Park. A really fun place to visit on a cool Tuesday morning. Mom and I have been to this park several times, never to see an Alligator except at the visitor’s center, but none in the wild. So my goal was to see at least […]
Zucchini Bread

This time of year when the zucchini over run our household I try to get creative with the things I can put Zukes in. This recipe is one of my favorites to double and bake in a variety of different pans and freeze. It’s perfect for a midday snack or dare I say it, even […]
Menu Plan Monday

The garden is really kicking off, tons and tons of yellow and zucchini squash, so I’ve been trying to come up with some creative ways to cook with it. The boys and I am also been fighting a cold which isn’t fun for any of us. What are some of your favorite summer squash recipes? […]
Banana Nut Cake

I’ll never forget that afternoon in my early teens. Mom made this cake and it was still baking in the oven when she left the house with strict instructions for Dad to reset the timer for another 30 minutes when the timer went off and after that take it out of the oven. So Dad was outside working […]
Menu Plan Monday

I hope everyone had a relaxing mother’s day full of pampering and your family. We had a wonderful time on our anniversary trip this weekend, lots of great food, places and quality time together, it sure was nice. Now were back to reality, of work, cooking, cleaning and life. It sure was good to get […]