Menu Plan Monday

Just putting my menu plan up while the boys nap, and I wish I was napping. I want to say hi to all those visiting today from She mentioned trying my Sticky Chicken recipe on her blog today and I am overwhelmed with the amount of visitors I’ve had. So hello and hope you […]
Spring is in the Air

At least here, as we’ve been hatching a lot of chicks on the “farm”. Just about every week a new set is hatching. The boys really love watching the chicks hatch. See the egg is fully zipped around the shell and just about to pop out! Little W eagerly awaiting the chick to hatch. Little […]
A Little Horse Painting

My babies are growing up, yes they are 3, but they will be my babies forever. What I mean is just months ago I would have never had them paint inside, with clothes on, on my coffee table. The paint would have been everywhere. But now they painted and painted and painted. Sure a little […]
Chopped Salad with Fried Garbanzo Beans

I am always in search of a really good salad with fresh and unique ingredients that make it so much more exciting to eat. I ran across this recipe in the Oprah Magazine and saw fried garbanzo beans, interesting. Never had that before and knew I had to try it. Needless to say this salad is a […]
Menu Plan Monday

Today’s presidents day! Who knew? I guess all the postal and bank employees are enjoying their day off. We’ve been enjoying the beautiful weather outside the past few days with trips to the park and plenty of playing outside. How the weather in your area? Last week we enjoyed: Cauliflower Fritters Granola Bars This week we […]
Cell phone free tractors

The boys will be happy for days, since we got to go ride on the tractors. Poppy and Pop-po were plowing up their rice fields to prepare for this year’s crop. And of course we took full advantage of the tractor rides. For some reason I find it funny when farmers (aka my dad and grandpa) always […]
Cauliflower Fritters

One of my favorite things about having a vegetable garden is almost being forced into creating new recipes. Take the cauliflower this year, it did so amazing I was “forced” to create two new dishes we absolutely love. A little bit of time and effort working the dirt, planting, and watering. That’s it. We’ve basically […]
Menu Plan Monday

Happy Valentine’s day to you all. DT and I celebrated a day early by building fence for our chickens, that one’s huge for me, a great V-day present in fact. We also barbecued steaks, ribs and potatoes, yummo. In fact, I didn’t miss celebrating at all, although this morning I found 2 sweet cards waiting […]
Whispers from God

As Oprah calls it, small whispers from God, he’s trying to delicately tell us something. Giving us small little glimpses of what is or could be. I got these whispers a few times shortly before I found out I was pregnant with the boys. A casual trip to Babies”R”Us with DT and all we could […]
Beef and Broccoli Stir-fry

A quick healthy and delicious meal is what I strive for on most nights. This one fits the bill entirely. It’s like Chinese take-out at home, with fresh ingredients, no added MSG, and it’s a kid pleaser, too. The boys gobbled this up, even the broccoli. Let me show you how. 1 lb round steaks, […]