Menu Plan Monday

I am drawing a blank this week on what is going on, nothing much I guess. My diet is still going strong, I didn’t lose anymore this week so I am going to go strong working out and hope this gives me the extra push to keep losing. I’ve been selling lots of hatching eggs, […]
Toy Organization

The boys’ closet and toys have been neglected for some time now. As embarrassing as it is to say, we used laundry baskets to throw their toys in, no organization, just whatever went where ever. It was a mess. A huge, annoying, thorn in my side mess. I finally had enough. After their birthday and Christmas our house […]
Fudge Brownies (Sugar and Gluten Free)

Just because I am on a sugar and gluten free diet, doesn’t mean I can’t have brownies!! A girl’s gotta live you know. So let me give you the heads up on these brownies. It’s hard to believe, it may gross you out a bit, but they contain black beans! There I said it, nothing […]
Menu Plan Monday

Last week Mom and I bought a really cute toy organizer for the boy’s room. Their closet has been a wreck for months now and a total eye sore, so it was time. 2 trash bags and 3 donation bags later and we have a clean organized room, yippee! Now if only I could convince them to […]
Steampunk Jewelry by CB Designs

Have you heard of Steampunk jewelry? A brief description: “”Steampunk is a sub-genre of science fiction and speculative fiction, frequently featuring elements of fantasy, that came into prominence in the 1980s and early 1990s. Steampunk fashion has no set guidelines, but tends to synthesize modern styles influenced by the Victorian era. Aspects of steampunk fashion […]
Fine Friday Morning

I have a couple of random thoughts to share with you on the fine Friday morning. Remember Chloe, I posted about her and Cricket yesterday. Well it got really cold last night dropping into the freezing zone, and I couldn’t find Chloe to let her in. I searched and called and called and searched last […]
Best buds- Cricket and Chloe

It’s been a little while since I have posted about best friends Cricket and Chloe. It’s also been awhile since they’ve both been asleep in my house. They have been outside pets until the weather was cold and we felt sorry for them, bathed them and let them in out of the cold. By cold, […]
Little Blue Piper

In our household chicks come and go, lots of them. The boys have had quite the experience with them, you might remember this and this. But this little chick hatched all by herself, no little chickie bubbas or sissies. So of course she was a little spoiled. We named her Piper, (I was watching too […]
Crock-pot Chicken Posole

We had our first real cold snap here in south Texas last week, and Amy at Simply Sugar and Gluten Free, posted the perfect Chicken Posole recipe, I knew I had to try it immediately. Traditionally Posole is made with pork and lots of peppers, and slow cooked on the stove. One thing for sure Posole […]
Menu Plan Monday

The diet is still going really well, and I am still eating well, I’ve had a few slip ups but mostly following perfectly sugar and gluten free. I am down about 10lbs, in 2 weeks is pretty good I think. I am going to start shredding again this week and I hope that will help […]