Pumpkin carving with 2 year olds

Yesterday the boys, Mom and I started a new tradition, we carved pumpkins. Can you believe I have lived for 28 years never to have carved a pumpkin? Well not anymore. We started off cutting the tops off and scraping seeds, Little H was was handy with his small spoon and tiny pumpkin. *notice the […]
What’s that on your legs?

Yesterday morning the boys were playing outside in the back yard, while I was running (around the back yard), I stopped off in the house for a quick water and potty break. I mean heck they are almost 3 and there is absolutely nothing they could get into back there. You know where this is […]
Pumpkin Spice Latte

It’s pumpkin time here at Newlyweds blog and I had to try this yummy recipe I’ve seen floating around the Internets. And since my closest Starbucks is at least 45 minute drive away, I figure, what the hey, I’ll make it at home. So glad I did, because not only was it a pick me […]
Pumpkin Link-up

This will be at the top all week, so be sure to scroll down for new posts. Fall is in the air here in Texas and that means pumpkin time for me in my household. Every single muffin, bread, dessert, soup, and recently pasta I’ve cooked contained Pumpkin. There’s just something so right about pumpkins, […]
Meet the Newlyweds Merrick and Katie

Today I am introducing Merrick and Katie. Katie’s weekly lovies to her hubby (see below) are genius , what a wonderful way to connect, and even for us since DT is on the road so much. Katie also shares weekly best of’s on her blog aptly named Katie, another great idea. I love Katie refreshing […]
All things Pumpkin Round-up

It’s no secret I just love pumpkins, from recipes to decorations to pumpkin patches. Pumpkins just make me happy. So in the spirit of all things pumpkin next Monday I will be hosting a pumpkin link-up. Please share your pumpkin posts. Whether it be a recipe, decoration, pictures, a trip to the pumpkin patch, anything […]
Sausage Spinach Loaf

Many moons ago I received this recipe from one of my favorite reader’s Emily, who also happens to be a great friend to my Aunt Sue-Sue. She said this is a family recipe and it was so different then anything I’ve tried recently I just had to make it. It has sausage in it so […]
Menu Plan Monday

I have some easy meals planned for the week, I’ve been fighting a bit of a chest cold and I would like to take it a bit easy in the cooking department. I do have planned breakfast for dinner, I just love breakfast for dinner and the boys do too. What’s your favorite meals when […]
30 day Shred Challenge week 4

I’m still shredding!! I completed week 4 and level 2 this week. Though I did take two days off because of this pesky chest cold. It feels really good to have this many weeks completed. I can see a difference in my arms, stomach and thighs, love it! My energy level is much improved […]
A little this and that

I just wanted to share a little bit of this and that for our recent happenings around the house. It’s October a busy and fun time for us. After all is pumpkin and Halloween season, and luckily for me my boys love it all just as much as I do. The other day I was […]