Drunken Pork Chops

*If you like recipes like these be sure to stop by my new E-cookbook E-licious and use code PORKCHOP50 to get the book 50% off ,making it only $2.50 for over 45 recipes!* I stumbled across this recipe posted by Siggy Spice, and just knew I had to try it immediately. After all DT’s favorite […]
Menu Plan Monday

Thanks for all the egg recipes last week, I am still sorting through them trying to decide which to try. DT’s birthday is this week so I will be making him a special birthday cake and dinner, we made the drunken pork chops last week and he loved them so much, I bet he asks […]
A hot day around the “farm”

Just a typical hot August summer day, and the boys wanted to play outside and were we do just about anything to survive the heat. I put a sprinkler out for the boys to play with, water the grass and the chickens also enjoy walking in the cool water and getting a cool drink. Minnie […]
Meet the Newlyweds Luis and Natalia

Let’s Meet Luis and Natalia, they blog together at Mertinso.com. Yes, both of them blog together; Is that not the neatest thing ever? Oh, and I couldn’t be more jealous also, I got DT to blog once, it took him 2 hours to complete a simple survey, Oh Vey. Any-who they blog about it all, […]
Patty Melts

What could be better than a grilled cheese / burger combo? Not much in the opinion of my hubby DT, and two little ravenous boys, who just gobbled these down. They remind me of a patty melt you would get at your local hometown diner, or something you would see on Diner’s Dive-ins and dives. […]
Menu Plan Monday

I have some new man pleasing meals on the menu this week, DT’s favorites, Pork chops and patty melts, yum. I have also been on the constant search for egg recipes, something different and delicious that using lots of eggs. My girls are laying extremely well, I am getting nearly a dozen a day. I […]
My backyard chickens eggs

This egg recall really has me thinking about raising chickens. Initially, it started for the eggs, oh the glorious beautiful, golden yolk eggs. I was spoiled on these truly free range eggs from my in-laws, and hadn’t bought a egg in months. Until one day I ran out and had to buy pale, no flavor, […]
Meet the Newlyweds

Welcome to Meet the Newlyweds, today we are featuring Ryan and Meg. Morning Cup with Meg is a little about everything, as Meg puts it; coffee and conversation, one of life’s greatest pleasures. Shes been blogging for quite some time now (since 2007) so I spent some time looking through the archives, and how much […]
The Caterpillar and the Fly

Lookie what I found in my tomato plants the other day. This caterpillar is literally as big as my index finger, probably a good 3 inches. The only reason I noticed it, besides if being so huge, was that it was flopping around, because apparently a fly was bothering it. I couldn’t figure out what […]
Guava Cheese Turnovers (Guava Pastelillos)

I love to try new (to me) ingredients. I was watching food network the other day and Daisy Martinez made these turnovers using Guava Paste. I had never heard of this interesting ingredient and immediately sparked my interest so I went to my local grocery store and sure enough they had it. The flavor of […]