Stuffed Corn Tortillas

In the ideal setting, I like to cook by myself, in the peace and quite of my home, where I can concentrate or even experiment with new recipes at my leisure. But in reality I live with two boys and a busy husband, this doesn’t happen very often. The boys are getting to the age […]
Menu Plan Monday

As the boys are getting older (2 1/2) they are having more and more requests for foods to eat. For instance just tonight they wanted oatmeal for dinner, easy enough, right? In fact they each ate 3 bowls! But since they are taking more interest in the foods they are eating I’ve decided to try […]
Meet the Newlyweds Matthew and Rebekah

I’m back, well, we’re back, you know, the Meet the Newlyweds Series. After a short hiatus, its back in full force with some really great newlyweds lined up. To start off the break it’s Matthew and Rebekah. Rebekah blogs at County Mouse Tales and her blog is just as cute as it sounds. She has […]
Potty Training, Tricks from the trenches

I’ve been potty training now for what seems like years, but in fact has only been a few weeks. Which makes me an absolute master, ha ha ha… But I have learned a few tricks for potty training twin boys or heck just boys in general. When your first starting, offer them lots and lots […]
Menu Plan Monday

This weekend we spent some time in the garden, DT tilling and removing the old squash and green beans, and me planting my fall pumpkin, winter squashes and gourds. They take anywhere from 90-120 days to produce so now is the time to plant them. I haven’t had much luck in the past with growing […]
Calling all Newlyweds!!!

I am almost completely out of Newlyweds Couples for my Meet the Newlyweds Feature. And some of my readers and me are having Newlywed withdrawals. If you are a Newlywed (under 5 years married) or know of a Newlywed who blogs please let me know. Just simply leave me a comment, and/or a email. And […]
Last minute food ideas

It happens sometimes, that you, have a spur of the moment guests ,and they are coming for lunch, like now!! So I threw together some grilling beans with a little seasoning added. Hey it’s last minute here they aren’t expecting the works. Sliced up a watermelon. DT threw some meat on the grill you know […]
Cake Batter Ice Cream

My parents had us over for the 4th of July and I brought this Cake Batter Ice Cream. I wanted something cold, tasty and easy to make. This recipe hit the spot. It was extremely creamy, smooth and silky with a wonderful rich cake flavor. I got a big thumbs up from all that tried […]
Menu Plan Monday

It’s been a few weeks since I’ve done a menu plan and my cooking has suffered. In fact I haven’t cooked much and have been frantic trying to figure out what to cook. So I am glad to get back in the groove of menu planning, it saves me unnecessary panic. DT is home this […]
Cajun Chicken Pasta

Want to add a little spice into your life? Your in luck with this recipe, it’s spicy, it’s creamy, it’s noodle-y, it’s delight to your senses! Heck, even the men folk in your life will love it. You could easily add some of your cajun favorites like shrimp, crawfish or sausage, whatever floats your boat. […]