The Watermelon Chickens

It’s Hot! Really, Really, hot. So much so that, my poor chickens, walk around with their beaks open and wings spread out, just hoping for a cool breeze. That never comes. So as a treat I cut the ends off of a watermelon and stuck them in the freezer for about an hour. Then I […]
First Hair Cuts….. Finally

The boys finally had their first haircuts. At approximately 2 years and 8 months old, I wasn’t sure this day would ever come. But their hair has been growing and growing and growing, it just, had a slow start that’s all. Lalo (My Mom) manned the scissors and the boys were ready to go with […]
Menu Plan Monday

This week is going to be a busy yet fun one. DT is going to be home which will be very nice but also coupled with lots of work we need to get done, or should I say he needs to get done. And of course I will be making some of his favorite foods […]
Lemon Buttermilk Pudding Cake

Lemon desserts are my favorite, so when I ran across this recipe on Brenda’s blog I knew I had to try it. This dessert is light and airy on top, and pudding smooth on bottom with the delicious tang of lemons and buttermilk. Can I get a mmmmm??? Also lately I love any recipe that […]
Bay Weekend

We finally got away. After months and months on DT working and working and working, we’ve finally took a small weekend trip to the bay. I can only tell you how great it felt to set foot out of the car and smell the salty, breezy, air of Carancahua bay. We had beautiful weather, though […]
For the weekend

Another where have I been post, they are getting a bit redundant aren’t they? But I promise this will be the last one, for awhile at least. As I am going to the bay for a relaxing, refreshing, rejuvenating trip. Yes the boys will be along. Yes there will be the hot sun, and cool […]
Fried Patty Pan Squash

*If you like recipes like these be sure to stop by my new E-cookbook E-licious and use code SQUASH50 to get the book 50% off ,making it only $2.50 for over 45 recipes!* This is the first year we successfully grew patty-pan squash. Oh how my Mom was so looking forward to this squash. She […]
Menu Plan Monday

This will be a short week we are planning a trip to the Bay and DT is gone till then so its just me and the boys. While at the bay we will be celebrating Father’s Day and my brother’s and my birthday’s. The trip is alot of fun, but it seems we have to […]
Where have I been?

I was lost in the bliss that is Jalapeno Margarita’s. Nah, though I can dream; Can’t I? This week I have been thrust in the trenches of potty training and dieting. Both in and of themselves could really make a person want to drink, and drink a lot. I started Monday morning with the Sacred […]
Jalapeno Margarita

I was browsing some recipes the other day and came across this one for Haberno Margarita’s. They instantly sparked my interest I have a deep love for all things margarita. I had to try these, but using our garden jalapenos instead. The flavor of the margarita’s were outstanding, a slight heat was present, but not […]