Menu Plan Monday

Happy Memorial day! We celebrated at my parents by having another great crawfish boil. You know because every great holiday has to be accompanied by great food. Oh and my Mom made an awesome peach cobbler that I will have to get the recipe to share with you all. DT is going to be home […]
Summer Garden week 8

A week ago we had 8-9 inches of rain in over a two day period and it resulted in some damage to a few of our peppers and tomato plants, and we lost over half of our potatoes due to them being ready and we weren’t able to get in there to dig them up, […]
Daddy’s Boots

Sometimes it’s the little things in life that make the boys happy. Like picking up daddy’s new soled boots from the store. Little H insisted on putting them on in the car seat, while we drive home. Nope it doesn’t take much to make him happy. Little W agrees. Please share your wordless Wednesday post!!! […]
Zucchini Cakes

Zucchini has been on the mind and table a lot lately. So we are trying all kinds of new and delicious ways to eat the versatile veggie. We tried this the other day and it’s quickly becoming a new family favorite that will be making an appearance sooner rather than later. One of the great […]
Menu Plan Monday

The garden is in full produce mode, we picked all the potatoes and have a table full, as well as tons of squash and cucumbers. So I will be pickling, shredding, freezing and baking a lot this week. I don’t really mind it because it will be so nice later on to pull baked goods […]
Summer Garden week 7 and new chicks

Every year around this time I start questioning why we plant so many squash, because they ultimately start to consume your life, there is only some much squash 4 people can eat. It never fails I think well let only plant 4 zucchini 4 yellow squash, but 4 turns into at least 8 each. Because […]
Meet the Newlyweds B and Jessika

Let’s Meet B and Jessika newlyweds who will be celebrating their first anniversary in a month. Jessika blogs at Life is Good, we’ve become blogging buddies over the past year or so. She and I both got chickens around the same time and are both constantly adding to our collection and blogging about it. She […]
Chocolate Butter Cake with Frosting

Today is the last Food Network Chef’s Challenge. I can’t believe we’ve cooked through all of the chef’s on food network, I’ve found some really great recipes and really great blogging friends through this process. Thanks Sarah from I Blame My Mother for hosting this fun challenge, I will miss it. During the whole challenge […]
Crawfish Boil

This mother’s day my Dad boiled crawfish for the entire family. Some how us mother’s get wrangled in to thinking crawfish is what we would like to enjoy, well heck yes it is. We just love it. And it means we don’t have to cook. Double win. It really is a special treat and I […]
Menu Plan Monday

This week DT will be home the majority of it so I am planning foods that he loves and also uses some of our garden veggies that we has massive massive amounts of. I also am saddened to say that my hatching eggs yet again didn’t go so well out of 36 eggs only 6 […]