Trampoline Hair

My parents still have our child hood trampoline that my brothers and I played with for hours and hours on end. Where I learned to do front flips and cheerleader jumps. The same one on which I knocked my front tooth loose when I was about 4 and it ended up falling out. I had […]
Menu Plan Monday

Wow what a busy Bloggy Spring Break. It was good to enjoy the time off the computer, but I missed it. I missed everyone, and have lots of catching up to do. What a week. Unfortunately we didn’t get everything done we would have liked, but the duck/chicken coop is finished, the garden is partially […]
A bloggy Spring Break

Just wanted to let you guys know I am going to be taking a little break from blogging for a week or so. I’ve been feeling slightly unmotivated about blogging for a few weeks now. DT is going to be home most of this week and we have lots to do. So I thought a […]
Meet the Newlyweds Justin and Amy

Let’s learn more about the newlywed couple Justin and Amy. Amy blogs at Just Add Walter (a pun at their last name). She has a fun witty writing style and just from her blog I can just tell we would be great friends in real life. She’s currently in Nursing school and shares some of […]
Chicks and Babes

The boys just love their new little pet chicks and at every opportunity they want to ever so gently pet them. These 2 little Black Australorps are their newest delight. They named them Blue and Pumpkin. (Which happens to be some of the boys favorite words) Little H doesn’t mind them sitting on his lap, […]
Caramel Croissant Pudding

This week’s Food Network Chefs Cooking Challenge hosted by I Blame My Mother is Nigella Lawson. I’ve seen her show a few times and she always seems to make delicious and simple foods. The second I saw her Caramel Croissant pudding I knew I must try it, and it looked so easy. I like to […]
Fish Cakes with sweet potato chips

DT has been working hard lately and hasn’t been home much so when he is I like to treat him and make something fried. Good ole fashioned fried foods are his favorite. This is my take on fish cakes using fresh fish. It has such a great flavor with the fresh bites of fish, bell […]
Menu Plan Monday

It’s Spring Break, well not really for us, since none of us are in or working for a college anymore. But DT will have off several days this week so it will be like a mini break for us, including me and my menu plan, though I do have some fun new meals plan, nothing […]
Guest Post at Jolly Mom

I have a guest post today at Jolly Mom about a healthy and fun recipe (with surprise ingredients) I made for the kiddos. Check it out and let me know what you think. If you haven’t visited Jolly Mom be sure to do so, its a wonderful Mom resource, full of fun crafts, foods and […]
Winter Garden week 21

Our winter garden is slowly coming to an end. WE DT has pulled and tilled almost everything, except for the broccoli and the cabbage. This years garden was a learning experience, it didn’t do nearly as well as expected because of our harsher than normal winter and tons of rain. Our cabbage never quite grew, […]