You might be a redneck….

You might be a redneck if your child’s best friend is a chicken named Sally. Sally that likes to ride on a gator. In fact she chases the gator around until you pick her up and place her on the seat next to Little W. She also doesn’t mind being poked in the eye petted […]
Fish Tacos with Lemon butter sauce

One of my favorite dishes at our local Mexican food restaurant Los Cucos is their fish tacos with homemade corn tortillas. Since we are eating a bit healthier lately I decided to try recreating this dish at home. I even made homemade corn tortillas, but I will save that step by step demo for another […]
Menu Plan Monday

Please stop by my Help for Haiti post and leave a comment, for each comment or link and I will donate $1.00 to the American Red cross. We are heading into our 3rd week on the sugar and gluten free diet and much to my surprise I have lost about 6lbs, and DT lost 17lbs!!!!! […]
Help for Haiti
Today is the last day, please leave a comment! As you have heard and seen on TV I can’t help but be heartbroken for all the suffering and devastation in Haiti. I can not even imagine what they are going through but I would love to help. So with that and the inspiration from Money […]
On a friday Morning

*Please stop by my Help for Haiti post and leave a comment, for each comment or link and I will donate $1.00 to the American Red cross.* I have a confession to make. Ok are you ready for this. I mean it heart breaking stuff I am about to tell, it’s going to get deep […]
Meet the Newlyweds Jay and Abbey

Lets Meet Jay and Abbey. Abbey is such a creative talent, she does amazing photography. I just love her style (wish I could be half as stylish). She also has a fabulous blog and guess what? Yup, she designed it herself as well as for others. But her main blog she writes about how they […]
Grapefruit Zabaglione over Mixed Berries

This weeks Food Network Chef’s Challenge hosted by I Blame My Mother is Giada De Laurentiis. Giada has a fabulous Italian cooking show with healthy quick meals and lots of pasta. Oh can I tell you how it pains me to not pick one of her pasta recipes (in case your wondering I’m on a […]
Gingerbread Demolition

You might recall a few weeks ago I made a gingerbread house from scratch, here is the post and picture in case you missed it. Well I decided as I was taking down all my Christmas decorations that it was time to also deconstruct the Gingerbread house. I happen to have 2 handy demolish guys […]
Baked Cabbage

My Mom recently acquired this delicious recipe from a friend of hers and has made it several times since. In fact it’s the kind of recipe that no matter how many times you eat it you want more, at every possible occasion. In fact she served it at Thanksgiving and Christmas and I begged her […]
Menu Plan Monday

DT and I are on our second week on the Sugar and Gluten free diet, last week was fairly easy. I experimented with a new sugar and gluten free dessert that turned out excellent (recipe below), I even made a prepackaged sugar and gluten free brownie mix. We’ve been eating tons more fruits and veggies […]