My New Blog Home

So happy to introduce you to my new home. I redesigned and moved my blog!!! With a major thanks to Joy @ 5 J’s designs. I’ve been wanting to do this a very long time, and I am super happy about it. Take a look around! Check out The Kitchen where I have archives […]
Menu Plan Monday

What a busy fun food filled week, from the boy’s birthday party to Thanksgiving. I think I need to go on a week long fast, whoa! I am stuffed just thinking about it. But it was yummy, and great seeing family and friends. Some of the yummy foods we had last week were Pioneer Woman’s […]
My Boys page update

The boys are now 24 months old and I have updated the My Boys page at the top right of the screen, be sure to check out what they are into now and even some things they don’t like so much these days.
More Online Black Friday Deals

I’ve found and took part in some more great online savings!! When I do shopping online I make sure to use Ebates and this time of year is the best time to use Ebates, because they have some great offers right now, especially for Black Friday and Cyber Monday! Ebates give you cash back on […]
Black Friday Online Deals

I have always loved the Black Friday after Thanksgiving sales. In years’ past I’ve often hit Walmart, and Walgreen to get the standard sales but without a clue as to what I was going to buy or even the sales. Luckily I’ve gained a little shopping savvy, from my online buddies and realized the internets […]
Happy Thanksgiving

I just love thanksgiving, all the pretty fall colors and cool air. Family and friends, so many things to be thankful for and not to mention the wonderful turkey, dressing and all the wonderful desserts. And can I get an Amen to NO gift giving. How much better can it get??????? With thanksgiving just around […]
Macaroon Pudding

My mom has been talking about this recipe for years, and I finally was able to pin her down to make it today for us. My great-grandmother Thompson apparently use to make this at all holiday meals, but I don’t remember ever eating it. It’s a simple basic recipe that using very basic ingredients, except […]
Happy 2nd Birthday

This morning at 12:45 am, and 12:55 am the boys turn 2. I know it’s cliché to say but it’s so hard for me believe that I have shared 2 wonderful years with my little men. They have grown and changed so much in such a short amount of time and have filled me with […]
Menu Plan Monday

I would say its a busy week in most household’s this week because of Thanksgiving, and ours is as well. Today is the boys 2nd birthday and after a fun busy, exhausting birthday party, I could use a little rest. But doesn’t look like I will get much this week. Lots of yummy food to […]
2nd Birthday Party

Well the boys had a great time at their birthday party, and I thought I would just post a few sneak peek pictures. Tomorrow is their actual birthday, so please expect lots of pictures and tons of emotional my babies can’t be 2 drama! My talented Aunt Sue Sue really out did herself with a […]