Our First Date

5 years ago tonight was our first date. I thought I would tell the funny story of our first date. But first a little back ground: I was 22 and attending what some might call a party school good ole Southwest Texas Texas State University located in San Marcos (SM). (a piece of my heart […]
Winter Vegetable Garden – week 2

Week 2 of the garden and we’ve had lots of rain and lots of growth. Though sadly enough the pictures are still not all that exciting. I so will give a brief run through. Front view of the garden and we have some carrot sprouts Lots of little green sprouting up, it always makes me […]
Meet the Newlyweds Nathan and Jennifer

Lets Meet the Newlyweds who just celebrated their 1 year anniversary. Congrats! I think the first year is the hardest. Jennifer has a blog Maybe It was Memphis, in which she shares about their married life, cooking and pets to give a few examples. She has a great writing style and funny sense of humor. […]
Olive Oil Cake – Ladi Tourta

This weeks Food Network Chef’s Challenge hosted by I Blame My Mother is Cat Cora. I’ve only seen her on the Iron Chef and she’s great to watch, but had no clue that he main style of cooking is Greek! Greek food is not something I am very familiar with or like so much, so […]
Glitter Pumpkins or Gourds

The other day at the grocery store they were selling bags of gourds. Seems normal right? People use them for decorations, fall them baskets etc. So I grabbed 2 bags with the intention of decorating with them in my fall basket and then later saving some of the seeds in hopes to plant next year […]
Pumpkin Macarons

The 2009 October Daring Bakers’ challenge was brought to us by Ami S. She chose macarons from Claudia Fleming’s The Last Course: The Desserts of Gramercy Tavern as the challenge recipe. These Macarons are not to be confused with the American macaroons that have coconut. They are light airy fluffy and hard to master. To […]
Menu Plan Monday

Another week wow this weekend went by quickly as they tend to do. I am using a couple of casseroles I had in the freezer and taking it a little easy on the cooking this week. I feel like I am coming down with something but then nothing. Its a strange feeling. That I wish […]
My Boys Page Update

The boys are now 23 months old and I have updated the My Boys page at the top right of the screen, be sure to check out what they are into now. PS: Please also note at the new pictures (and links) on my side bar: Subscribe to my blog, follow me on twitter, My […]
Winter Vegetable Garden

We’ve Planted!!!! Yea after 3 weeks of waiting for the rain to stop we (ie: DT) was able to till and plant our winter vegetable garden. As you can see we still have some of our huge Okra plants, and a few pepper plants. They have slowed down a bit so we will probably pull […]
Meet the Newlyweds Jeff and Kayla Aimee

Let’s Meet the Newlyweds Jeff and Kayla. Kayla has a super cute blog Kayla Aimee: Only Slightly Neurotic. Neurotic? I think not but down right hilarious. Yes. This girl can get into some pickles. Her and Jeff have recently moved and are renovating their new home and doing an awesome job, I just love before […]