Pasta Bolognese

This weeks Food Network Chef Challenge Hosted by I Blame My Mother was Anne Burrell. I didn’t have to look far to know that I wanted to try her Pasta Bolognese. It received 5 stars and rave reviews, that and I love a good pasta meat sauce. This recipe is definitely a labor of love […]
Guard Dog

When DT parks his truck in the back yard Precious our 12 year on Rottweiler loves to jump up on it and sit on the fender, as if claiming guard over her truck. She likes the view from up high, and can easily spot any intruders And when she does she just licks them to […]
Bandito Dogs

For today’s post I am sharing the healthiest recipe every cooked and shared on my blog (insert sarcasm). I am sure my arteries will be forever clogged. But I will be forever be happy after eating this most delicious masterpiece. Let me introduce the Bandito Dogs, not to be confused with chili hot dogs, because […]
Menu Plan Monday

I did much better with my grocery challenge this week and only spent $36 dollars. For details check out this post. I am still trying to use as much food as I can out of our freezer and pantry, and becoming creative when making dishes. Its been kinda fun, but definitely takes more work. Breakfasts: […]
Puff Pastry

The September 2009 Daring Bakers’ Challenge has been chosen by Steph of a whisk and a spoon. Steph chose Vols-au-Vent, which we are pretty sure in French means, “After one bite we could die and go to heaven!” be sure to check out the other Daring Bakers creations. I must admit I was not super […]
Weekly Shopping Results

This week I did surprisingly well on my shopping. I even included 2 food cooking challenges and made do with what we have on hand. Though I must admit I am missing my paper towels. But I am really trying to stick this out and go the full month. I am still buying fresh fruits […]

Last week we drove up to the lovely Texas Hill country to visit some family and friends. We had a great time and the boys had a blast playing with their cousins. Like little Jack he is 2 1/2 and a super cute cuddle bug! They had a blast playing outside while Maw-Maw pulled them […]
Meet the Newlyweds Joshua and Heather

Lets Meet the Newlyweds Joshua and Heather. Heather has a wonderfully glamorous blog called Mrs. Southern Bride. She has several obvious loves, her hubby, chocolate, and Starbucks. She also has several fab recipes on her blog. Lookie at this one Homemade Oreos, yum! She also has a free stuff blog My Money Chef, sharing all […]
Blueberry Muffins

For this weeks Food Network Chefs Cooking Challenge hosted by I Blame My Mother is Alton Brown. I knew I would have a blast cooking a recipe from him, but time did I have the time. So because time is a short and precious thing some weeks, I choose a Blueberry Muffins recipe. Boy I […]
Grease Monkeys

One of the pitfalls of being a Trucker’s son, is that you get to do all of daddy’s grunt truck work. Like greasing Daddy’s tires It’s really hard messy work, with lots of supervision from Bubba and Skeeter. but one thing is for sure we love it! Even when we squeeze in between the tires […]