Random thoughts of a SAHM

THis post is just some random thoughts off being a Stay ahome Mom, did I mention I just love my new title? Ahem… Well after I carefully planned out my first day as a SAHM and mostly stuck with my relative schedule things turned out smoothly. I mean it”s not like it’s my first day […]
Cutting Rice

Its that time of year again, the farmers are in their fields cutting rice. My dad and grandpa were busy last Saturday cutting rice and we brought the boys by to ride with Poppy (my dad) in the combine. About a few days before they started cutting we had a big rain storm and it […]
Meet the Newlyweds Tim and Alice

I am happy to introduce this super silly (love the pic) couple Tim and Alice. Alice blogs at Adventures of Alice, she is a Virginia gal living with her hubby in Scotland, how cool is that. I’ve always wanted to visit. Alice and I have lots in common though we live so far away, she […]
we were thoroughly plumped

Last weekend we had my cousin Kaylynn and her boyfriend Kyle over for a barbecue. It was great getting together with them and almost immediately upon entering the house. Something wonderful happened. Kyle was greeted by our furry babies Chloe and Cricket. He had no choice in the matter and was immediately smitten by Crickets […]
First day on the job

I am sure if you’ve read my blog before you know that I am now a Full time stay at home Mom with 2 of the cutest bosses around (if I do say so myself). Though I am 100% sure this job will be the most challenging and rewarding job I’ve ever had I am […]
Rocky Road Ice Cream

My Sister In Law Stacy whom I highly admire gave me this Rocky Road Ice Cream recipe several years ago after she made it at one of her infamous back yard parties. Let me just tell you she could teach lessons on having the most smoothly run, planned, fun and delicious backyard barbecues. I strive […]
Can I re-think this?

Just 2 more day till these little dirty bugs are Mommies FULL TIME responsibility!!! Can I re-think this? happy to post @ Blue Monday
Menu Plan Monday

I haven’t done a Menu plan the last few weeks and as a result we have eaten out more and I have not cooked nearly as much, because I don’t have a plan!! So I am happy to make my menu plan this week, it keeps me accountable and not wondering at 4pm what I […]
Weekly Shopping Results

I love when I stay under budget and I tell the cashier that I met my budget they never ever believe me, like is some streak of dumb luck, but I tell them in all honesty “Seriously I have a 50 dollar budget this is well planned!” This week was no exception. I had my […]
Our garden is finally giving up

Its that time of year in Texas with the 100 degree days and a severe drought, our garden is finally giving up. I must say I am not all that upset. After months of constant picking, watering , weeding, (courtesy of DT) cooking, eating, freezing, and canning, I am ready for a break. Our harvest […]