Some changes

I have a few changes coming to my blog. I have recently joined in a new challenge called The Food Network Chefs Cooking Challenge hosted by I blame My Mother its a great new challenge where every week we try a new food network chef’s recipe in alphabetical order, and it just so happens to […]
I want brown eggs and beige eggs and blue eggs and green eggs

This week has been a surprise and a half. First things first it was my first official full week as a stay at home mom, then we got a flat screen tv, then we went to the zoo. We also purchased a dell desktop (thanks for all the suggestions) and it came in yesterday, then […]
Menu Plan Monday

DT is working this week, so were having some easy meals. Though Wednesday is his birthday, we will celebrate on Friday when he gets back into town. Monday: Mini Shepard’s Pie (recipe to come) Tuesday: Lasagna, garlic bread and salad Wednesday: Hot dogs, and beans Thursday: Thai Turkey Taco Friday: Out to eat for DT’s […]
Weekly Shopping Results

Good week at the grocery store, got all I needed and well below my budget, I just love that. And plenty of snack items for lunches, also a plus. How did you do this week? HEB 2 Gallons Milk 5.38 Coffee 4.99 Trail Mix 2.39 Sugar 1.65 Pecan Spin 1.00 Ham & Cheese Sandwich 2.50 […]
Pie Pumpkins, Butternut Squash and Acorn Squash

The garden was in major need or grooming and we DT first weeded, picked, pulled everything except, the okra and peppers. This Texas heat is almost unbearably hott, oh who am I kidding it is unbearably hot. But somehow my sweet husband DT can tough it out to work on the garden. He loves his […]
Zoo, TV, and a Knee

One perk of being a Stay at home mom (SAHM) is that we can go to the zoo and mall at the drop of a hat in the middle of the week. So DT had off yesterday and on we went. It’s been about a year since our last zoo trip and a few things […]
Lessons Learned

Remember this? from just a month ago. Well it seems little Mister W has gotten himself into a similar situation yet again. But this time, as I was taking pictures and laughing being concerned He figured out how to get down, what a smart guy! It’s amazing how much fun we have now that I […]
Sangria Wine

“When friends come for a Saturday night, its nice to make some Sangria Wine, it’s organic and it comes from the vine, its also legal and it gets you so high” lyrics from none other than Jerry Jeff Walker, if you haven’t heard this classic click here. This recipe from my cousin Kaylynn instantly makes […]
New Computer

I desperately need a new computer. I have a 2002 Dell laptop, it is so slow, it’s getting to be a hassle just check my email. Much less upload pictures, blog, and so on. I got this computer from my parents after much begging and pleading shortly after I moved away to college. In fact […]
Menu Plan Monday

We have a busy week planned, and lots of cooking involved. Recently one of my friends had twins and I am going to do a couple batch casseroles for her and the family. And then while I am at it I will cook a batch for our family as well. I also have my daring […]