Watermelon, snakes and ducks

Last weekend I went out to the garden to check everything out, and was very saddened to see that our lone volleyball sized watermelon had split open. I was just imagining biting into it and how cool, crisp and refreshing it would taste, all of that just split in two when I saw her. See […]
Meet the Newlyweds Mathis and Nicki

Come Meet the Newlyweds Mathis and Nicki. Nicki has a super cute blog The Kenningtons where she writes all about their lives, school, cute dogs and moving. Which they will be from Texas to Virginia now any day. They are a highly educated lot, moving to earn even higher degrees both in psychology fields. So […]
I swear by Cornstarch

My dad is a funny guy and he is very opinionated about certain things; like his favorite places to eat, manners, and butt powder. Yes I said butt powder, you know to cure raw or red hiney’s. See as the boys were little and still occasionally they get a case of the Wolf (A**) butt […]
Kitchen Table Chair

Little W decided he would climb the kitchen table chair, but soon realized he was stuck, too scared to get himself down or climb the rest of the way up and found no other solution but to screech for mommy to come rescue him. So what did I do? I grabbed my camera of course […]
Milan Cookies

The July Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Nicole at Sweet Tooth. She chose Chocolate Covered Marshmallow Cookies and Milan Cookies from pastry chef Gale Gand of the Food Network. Cookies!! I just love cookies as most people do. They are fun and simple and just plain ole good. But this months challenge was not […]
Weekly Shopping Results

I have been on a health kick lately and have changed my grocery shopping to include more fruits and veggies, and some slightly healthier ions. DT is also on the road more through the week so I have some convenience items for him to eat on the road. I found a new interesting item this […]
My Boys Page Update

The boys are now 20 months old and I have updated the My Boys page at the top right of the screen, be sure to check out what they are into now.
Corpus Christi Continued

Continued … As I am taking pictures from the balcony in our hotel room, I notice a wooden boat in the marina, it immediately sparks my interest As I zoom in closer, I am thinking wow we need to go check this out. So we decided to grab the stroller and go for a walk […]
Meet the Newlyweds Noel & Jennifer

Lets Meet the Newlyweds Noel and Jennifer, and wow do they have quite the story. They were married in February of 06 and now just 3 years later have 5 children (The Safari), yes triplets were involved. As if that weren’t enough. She blogs at The Wilcoxson’s all about her super busy life as a […]
Cooking Inspiration? Help?

Hey folks!! What’s cooking? Seriously what are you cooking? I need your help in some cooking inspiration here, coming up blank. Any ideas thoughts, suggestions. Anyone want to come cook for me, and I’ll sit back and take pictures and pig out? I up for all kinds of offers! Please share either something you would […]