Outback Steakhouse Bushman Bread

Yes its the dead middle of a sweltering Texas summer and yes I did crank up my oven only to make this amazing bread. Amazing you ask? Oh yes amazing isn’t the word, the word is addicting, butter melting, bread wanting goodness. I think hubby DT has snuck into the fridge and eaten a small loaf […]
My Boys page update

The boys are now 19 months old, well actually on the 23rd, eek! My aunt was kind enough to remind me, completely forgot to up date their page. But now it is if you look up at the top right under my boys you can see what they are into this month!
Menu Plan Monday

My weekly menu planning has changed a little bit since DT now is gone trucking most of the week. I am cooking a little less eating more leftovers and cooking more on the weekends. So this is what I have planned for this week. Monday: Sticky Chicken in Crock pot with green beans (from the garden) […]
Bakewell Tart

The June Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Jasmine of Confessions of a Cardamom Addict and Annemarie of Ambrosia and Nectar. They chose a Traditional (UK) Bakewell Tart… er… pudding that was inspired by a rich baking history dating back to the 1800’s in England. A Bakewell tart, never heard of it? Well neither had […]
Fruits of our labors

I am not posting weekly garden pictures this week, because we’ve had some rather exciting new that I had to share, so this post will be a discombobulation of our weekly happenings. Oh also remember I warned you on my picture obsession? This post will not disappoint. We’ve had a rather fruitful week yet again, […]
Meet the Newlyweds Donald and Sarah

I am happy to introduce a lovely couple Donald and Sarah. They are expecting their first baby very soon in fact she is 37 weeks along and as cute as a pregnant button. I just love pregnant bellies, they are so perfect. Sarah began a personal blog called Becoming Sarah soon after they found out […]
30 Day Shred – Day 26 and Weigh in

Day 26- I woke up bright an early weighed myself for my Shrinking Jeans weigh in and much to my delight down another 1 lb, so in total that is 5 lbs in 5 weeks, since I have began my shredding journey. I am so happy. I then did level 3 shred and I am […]
New Camera = Tons of Pictures

Did I mention I got a new camera for my birthday its a Nikon D 40 and I am obsessed in love with it. I have taken more pictures this weekend than I have in my entire life, OK so that’s probably and exaggeration but seriously I am taking picture of everything. No one is […]
30 Day shred – Day 24 and 25

So after skipping a few days of exercise last week I jumped right back in yesterday with no excuses even though it was my birthday and I seriously thought about not shredding, I did. Had a good workout, but ate pretty horribly the whole day, and topping it off with a slice of lemon cake. […]
Super Easy Cobbler

Every summer I look forward to my dad picking dewberries, they grow wild near my dad’s rice farmers and we just love them. They are sweet with a slight bite of tartness, sweeter than a blackberry and slightly smaller. My dad absolutely loves dewberry cobblers and who am I to deny his request. Much less […]