30 Day Shred – day 10 & 11

Day 10- I talked hubby DT into doing the shred with me, level 2. Now DT doesn’t work out but he is in great shape naturally. I mean how many 32 year olds can do 20 push-ups on their knuckles with their legs on a chair, seriously this is so hard, I can’t even do […]
Weekly Shopping Results

Another week and some great deals on fresh fruit, Cantaloupe for 1 dollar, 1.99 lb for strawberries, and 2 mangoes for 1 dollar, gotta love this time of year. We’ve almost eaten all the strawberries already they are sooooo good. With 2 large container of coffee, wine, veg oil and tons of fresh fruit I […]
30 day shed day 9

Level 2 went much better today, I felt more comfortable with all the exercises, somewhat and tried to go deeper and father with each one, and wow does this video make me sweat! I mean sweat!!!! Its hard, but good. I think I did the plank abs moves correctly today because I lowered my butt […]
Summer Garden week 11

The weather here in Southeast Texas has been perfect for growing summer veggies, one comment I seem to get most often is how we are already so far along with our garden and most living in northern states are just planting. Well that is because here near the gulf coast during July and August it […]
Meet the Newlyweds John & Sarah

This week I have the pleasure of introducing John and Sarah whom currently reside in Germany!! Guten Tag! (Good Day) Sarah has a neat blog SoJo life in which she shares her “Not Me” Monday posts, fun recipes, and stories about their cute puppy Beni. Oh and I can’t not fail to mention all the wonderful […]
30 Day Shred day 7 & 8

Day 7 I completed week one at level one, and from my scale says like I lost 1lb. Yea! I need to get a digital scale, but for now this will do. I had a good workout, and all the soreness was completely gone, so I figured I need to step this up for week […]
Mulberry Strudel

I’ll never forget the apple strudel that our neighbor Mrs. M gave us shortly after the boys were born, it was so good, good like a strudel should be. The crust was light and crispy, the filling was sweet with a slight crunch of apple and golden raisins. I remember asking her please show me […]
Garden Veggies

Look at all the veggies we picked from the garden in just 2 days!! Here’s the break down: 7 Japanese eggplant 2 Black Beauty Eggplants 2 Calabaza Squash 1 Zucchini Squash 2 Yellow Squash and 1 tiny one 8 Banana Peppers 3 Bell Peppers 3 Cucumbers 4 Jalapeno peppers 3 Celebrity tomatoes 5 Hillbilly Tomatoes […]
30 Day Shred day 6

Back to my early morning routine. The workout was good, hard but good, that first circuit about kills me every time, after that everything else seems like cake! Ha!! I keep forgetting to weigh myself first thing in the morning and always remembered after I am dressed and have eaten and drank a gallon (not […]
Homemade Salsa

*If you like recipes like these be sure to stop by my new E-cookbook E-licious and use code SALSA50 to get the book 50% off ,making it only $2.50 for over 45 recipes!* This recipe came from my Granny. Literally, she told me over the phone and I have it scribbled down on a scrap piece […]